Chapter 52

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Chapter 52.

The hall buzzed with murmurs as Kim Ae-Cha's commanding presence took center stage. The escalating confrontation drew people in like moths to a flame. Lee Ari's face was a portrait of fury, her voice rising with each syllable, causing the gathering crowd to edge closer in curiosity.

"Who do you think you are to drive us away?" Lee Ari's voice echoed through the venue, her anger palpable. The crowd leaned in, eager to catch every word of the unfolding drama.

Mr. Lu's irritation was evident, but he refrained from intervening when Ae-Cha held up her hand, signaling him to wait.

"Shut up!" Min Jun's voice was low and strained, trying to contain his anger at the situation. He glared at Lee Ari before turning back to Ae-Cha, but Ari, enraged by his dismissal, shoved him aside and swung her arm towards Ae-Cha's face.

Time seemed to slow as Ae-Cha deftly caught Lee Ari's arm in mid-air. The crowd collectively held their breath. Without missing a beat, Ae-Cha retaliated with a slap that resonated through the hall.

The first slap landed with a sharp crack, drawing gasps from the onlookers. Su-Jin rushed over, followed by Kim Jae-Soo and his friends, their expressions a mix of shock and concern.

"How dare you slap me!" Lee Ari screamed, her face turning red with rage.

"This slap is for your disrespect," Ae-Cha said coldly, her voice cutting through the air. She then delivered a second slap with precision. "This is for your audacity."

Ae-Cha's hand moved swiftly, slapping Ari two more times, each strike deliberate and forceful. Lee Ari's face swelled with the impact, the force behind each slap unmistakable. The crowd watched in stunned silence, too captivated to intervene.

Kim Jae-Soo stepped forward, gently taking his mother's hand and massaging her palm, a mix of pride and concern in his eyes. "Eomma, that's enough," he whispered, trying to calm her.

Lee Ari stood there, stunned and humiliated, her cheeks burning with both pain and embarrassment. Min Jun, who had distanced himself from the commotion, acted as if he was a mere bystander, his disinterest clear.

Su-Jin's face burned with embarrassment as the stares of the assembled guests bore into her family. She watched helplessly as her mother, Lee Ari, stood defiantly despite the visible damage from the slaps, a thin trickle of blood at the corner of her mouth. Kim Jae-Soo stood protectively beside his mother, who squeezed his hand reassuringly.

"You bitch, how dare you think you have the right to slap me?" Lee Ari's voice was a mix of anger and indignation, her pride visibly wounded. Su-Jin wanted to drag her mother away before the situation worsened, but Lee Ari wasn't backing down.

"Just because I defended my legal right as Mrs. Choi, you slapped me," Lee Ari continued, her voice taking on a pitiful tone as she twisted the narrative. Her words prompted murmurs from the crowd, some looking at Kim Ae-Cha with scorn, recalling the earlier argument.

Ae-Cha's laugh cut through the murmurs, a sharp, confident sound that drew everyone's attention. "Legal right? Oh please, sister, did you fall into a pot of green tea and forget you're not a tea bag?" Ae-Cha's voice dripped with sarcasm, her gaze unwavering as she looked at her twin with disdain.

The crowd, intrigued by the unfolding drama, shifted their focus back to Lee Ari, their eyes scanning her from head to toe. The atmosphere crackled with tension, the guests eagerly anticipating the next exchange. Lee Ari, taken aback by Ae-Cha's boldness, momentarily faltered.

"I have never asked for an introduction from you, nor do I care about your mindless games," Ae-Cha said loudly, her voice carrying through the room with commanding elegance. Her words were firm, each syllable dripping with disdain as she took a step closer to Lee Ari, her posture poised and graceful.

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