Chapter 48

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Chapter 48.

In the bustling newsroom of ANRANG, Kim Jae-soo had started finding his rhythm. The initial shock of Mr. Park's demanding nature had worn off, replaced by a growing respect for the man. Despite his stern exterior and sharp tongue, Mr. Park was a mentor who pushed Jae-soo to be better, to be more than just an assistant. Under Mr. Park's tutelage, Jae-soo was beginning to shed his timidity, replacing it with a budding confidence.

"Jae-soo, I need that summary on my desk in fifteen minutes," Mr. Park's voice rang out across the office. Jae-soo nodded, his fingers flying over the keyboard. He had learned to appreciate the challenge, to see the value in Mr. Park's tough love. The newsroom's fast-paced environment no longer intimidated him; it energized him.

"Here you go, Mr. Park," Jae-soo said, placing the summary on his desk right on time. Mr. Park glanced at it, nodded, and then looked up at Jae-soo.

"Not bad, Jae-soo. You're getting the hang of it. But remember, details matter. Double-check your facts next time."

Jae-soo nodded, absorbing the feedback without feeling deflated. He knew it was part of his growth, part of learning to stand his ground and be meticulous in his work. He returned to his desk, ready to tackle the next task with renewed determination.

During lunch breaks, Jae-soo started mingling more with his colleagues. They had noticed the change in him, too. His growing confidence and the hint of sarcasm he had picked up from Mr. Park made him more approachable, more engaging. He was no longer just the timid intern; he was becoming a part of the team.

As the weeks turned into a month plus, Jae-soo's transformation continued. He was no longer the quiet, timid intern but a capable and respected member of the ANRANG team. Mr. Park's mentorship had been instrumental in this change, and Jae-soo was grateful for the tough love that had helped him find his voice.

One day, Mr. Park called Jae-soo into his office. "Jae-soo, you've been doing well. Keep it up, and you'll go far in this field. Remember, it's not just about hard work. It's about resilience, confidence, and never losing sight of the details."

Jae-soo nodded, feeling a swell of pride. "Thank you, Mr. Park. I won't let you down."

During the past month, whispers of An Na-ri's true identity as the son of ANRANG's owner had spread through the company like wildfire. The revelation had smoothed his journey within the office, much to Na-ri's chagrin. Ms. Hwang, who had once been a tyrant, now fawned over him, treating him with unwarranted affection while she continued to boss the other assistants around mercilessly.

Na-ri had taken to spending more time at Kim Jae-soo's home with Ae-Cha, relishing the comfort of home-cooked meals and the warmth of their company. Despite his brother's villa being nearby, the familial atmosphere at Ae-Cha's house was a soothing balm for his frayed nerves.

As they left the office one evening, Kim Jae-soo and Na-ri were greeted by the driver assigned to Jae-soo. The driver opened the car door for them with a polite bow.

"Good evening, second young master, young master An," the driver greeted. "Madam said she has some good news for you. She asked that you have dinner first and then meet her in her study."

The ride home was filled with a sense of anticipation. They exchanged curious glances, wondering what Ae-Cha's news could be. The car moved smoothly through the bustling streets, leaving the cityscape behind as they entered the tranquil neighbourhood where Ae-Cha's villa was located.

Upon arrival, the aroma of freshly prepared food wafted through the air, welcoming them into the cozy home. The dining table was set elegantly, a feast laid out that made Na-ri's mouth water. They quickly settled down to eat, the comforting familiarity of the meal grounding them after a long day.

After dinner, they made their way to Ae-Cha's study. The room was warm and inviting, filled with soft lighting and the faint scent of jasmine. Ae-Cha sat behind her desk, her eyes lighting up as they entered.

"Come in, boys," she said, gesturing for them to sit. "I have some exciting news to share."

Kim Jae-soo and Na-ri exchanged eager looks as they took their seats, ready to hear what Ae-Cha had to reveal. The room was a blend of elegance and functionality, filled with books, design sketches, and a large desk where Ae-cha sat, her eyes lighting up as they entered.

"Mom, what's the good news?" Jae-soo asked, curiosity evident in his voice.

Ae-cha smiled warmly. She handed them each a sleek, professionally designed brochure. Jae-soo and Na-ri looked at the cover, their eyes widening in surprise. It was a promotional brochure for Sage, showcasing a new jewelry collection.

"We're launching a new collection," Ae-cha explained. "It's called 'Raid'. It's a project I've been working on for years, and now that Sage is stable enough, we're ready to bring it to the world."

Jae-soo flipped through the brochure, marveling at the intricate designs. "Mom, these are amazing. You're going to put Sage back on top with these."

Na-ri nodded in agreement. "This is incredible, Mrs. Kim. This designs are stunning."

The anticipation for the launch of Sage's new jewelry collection was palpable. As the day approached, invitations had been sent out to the elite families of Seoul Empire and beyond. This launch was more than just a showcase of exquisite jewelry; it was a grand reveal of Kim Ae-cha as the CEO and the mastermind behind the designs.

Ae-cha took Jae-soo and Na-ri shopping for luxurious outfits, ensuring they looked their best for the event. The shopping trip was a whirlwind of high-end boutiques and fashion consultations, leaving both young men with impeccable suits tailored to perfection.

After their shopping spree, Jae-soo went to the café to invite Shin Young and Ji-su as special guests. He had handpicked outfits similar to his and Na ri's for them, carefully chosen to suit the grand occasion.

"Boss Shin, Ji-su," Jae-soo said as he handed over the invitation and the outfits. Jae-soo handed over the invitation and the outfits, saying, "I would be honored if you could attend the launch. It's a big day for my mom."

Shin Young smiled warmly, taking the invitation. "Of course, Jae-soo. We wouldn't miss it. Thank you for thinking of us."

Ji-su nodded in agreement, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the stylish clothing. "We'll be there to support you and your mom. This is a big deal."

Jae-soo felt a surge of gratitude and excitement. "Thank you both. It means a lot to have you there."

Baek Ji-Hu stared at the elegant invitations the butler had handed over. One each for his grandmother, his father, and himself. The name "Sage" printed in delicate calligraphy caught his eye. Sage was a brand he was familiar with, known for its exceptional quality and low-profile nature. They rarely hosted grand events like this. Their jewelry was renowned, sold at high prices due to its exquisite craftsmanship. The genius designer behind Sage, known only by the pseudonym "Pearl," was an enigma. Many had tried to impersonate her, but all had failed.

As Ji-Hu turned the invitation over in his hands, his phone rang. The screen displayed Man Sung-ho's name.

"So, are the Baeks attending the launch?" Sung-ho's voice was casual, but there was a hint of curiosity.

"Yes," Ji-Hu replied. "Grandma loves their jewelry. She has a lot of their pieces and won't miss this for anything. She'll drag us along."

"Good, then I guess you'll have to third wheel for my Nana and me," Sung-ho bragged, his tone teasing.

Before Sung-ho could continue, Ji-Hu ended the call, shaking his head. He was used to his friend's antics but didn't have the patience for them right now. The launch of Sage was intriguing, and Ji-Hu couldn't shake the feeling that this event would be more significant than anyone anticipated.

As he placed the invitation on his desk, Ji-Hu's thoughts wandered to the mysterious designer. What kind of person was "Pearl"? And why had she chosen now to step into the spotlight? He was looking forward to the launch, not just because of his grandmother's insistence but also because of the curiosity that was starting to bloom within him.

A/N: I Swear we are all anticipating for this Launch...

Quick Question: What do you expect for the next Chapter....?

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