Chapter 47

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Chapter 47.

Ae-Cha had been a whirlwind of activity since taking over Sage a month ago. With Mr. Lu's help, she meticulously went through the staff, pinpointing the loyal and the traitorous. They decided to test the design team by discreetly distributing old designs, each slightly modified, to the three lead designers and their seven assistants.

The plan was simple but effective. They would wait and see whose designs would be leaked, thereby identifying the traitors within Sage.

A week later, four designs had found their way out of the company. Ae-Cha wasted no time summoning the entire design team to her office.

Ae-Cha sat confidently behind her desk, her gaze sharp as she scanned the room filled with designers. Her elegant office was a stark contrast to the tension hanging in the air. Each of the designers shifted uncomfortably in their seats, their eyes darting around, trying to gauge each other's reactions.

Mr. Lu stood beside her, his expression stern. The room was silent except for the ticking of the wall clock. Ae-Cha finally broke the silence with a soft chuckle, her voice steady and controlled.

"I gave each of you ten different designs last week," she began, her eyes narrowing slightly. "And within that week, four of those designs were leaked."

The designers exchanged nervous glances, whispers beginning to ripple through the room. Ae-Cha held up a hand, silencing them.

"Let me make this clear," she continued, her tone growing firmer. "I know exactly who leaked these designs. This was a test, and you all have failed miserably. But now, I want to hear it from you."

A heavy silence fell over the room once more. The designers looked at each other, hoping someone else would break first. When no one stepped forward, Ae-Cha sighed and began to reveal her trap.

"I gave each of you a different set of old designs," she explained, her eyes piercing each individual in the room. "The leaked designs were from the sets given to you Chan, Alex, Mari, and Joon." She pointed to the two lead designers and three assistants who stiffened at her words.

"Now, I have the data to prove this," she said, pulling out a folder and placing it on the desk. "Each design had a unique identifier embedded in it, something only I would know to look for. So, unless you would like to come forward now and explain your actions, I will have no choice but to terminate your employment immediately."

Chan,Alex, Mari, and Joon's faces turned pale. The room held its breath, the tension almost palpable. Finally, Alex stood up, his hands shaking slightly.

"I... I'm sorry, Mrs. Kim," he stammered. "I was approached by a competitor, and they offered me a significant amount of money. I didn't think it would be traced back to me."

Mari and Joon looked at each other and then at Ae-Cha, who remained silent, her expression unreadable.

"I, too, was approached," Mari admitted quietly. "They said they wanted to see how Sage's design process worked. I didn't think it would cause any harm."

Joon nodded, looking defeated. "Same here. I was promised a promotion and a raise if I provided some insight. It was a mistake."

Ae-Cha listened to their confessions without a word. Once they had finished, she leaned back in her chair and folded her arms. She knew they were lying but she spoke again. Chan glared at her in secret wishing he bite her.

"Your greed and disloyalty have cost Sage greatly," she said coldly. "You are all dismissed. Mr. Lu will handle your exit paperwork."

With that, Mr. Lu stepped forward, motioning for the three to follow him. They left the room, heads bowed, leaving behind a group of stunned and silent colleagues.

Ae-Cha stood, her commanding presence filling the room. "Let this be a lesson to all of you. Loyalty and integrity are paramount here at Sage. I will not tolerate betrayal. If you are not here to contribute positively and uphold our values, you can leave now."


Lee Ari's frustration had reached its peak. She had sent investigators to find her sister, Ae-Cha, but their efforts led them to a dead end in Busan's Flower Village. It was as if someone had intentionally erased Ae-Cha's existence from that point onward.

Standing in her lavishly decorated living room, Lee Ari clenched her fists. The ornate mirror on the wall reflected her fury, her perfectly styled hair and makeup a stark contrast to the turmoil inside her. She had even gone as far as having her husband followed, hoping to find a clue, but all she discovered was that Min Jun had a mistress living in an apartment near B University.

The realization diverted her focus, igniting a new wave of anger. Her perfectly manicured nails dug into her palms as she decided to confront this woman who dared encroach on her territory. Her car sped through the city streets, and soon she found herself outside the apartment building, her heart pounding with rage and anticipation.

She didn't have to wait long. The mistress emerged from the building, her hips swaying with a practiced confidence, an alluring smirk playing on her lips. The woman's aura of seductive charm only fueled Lee Ari's anger. Without a second thought, she stormed forward, her voice echoing through the quiet street.

"You vixen!" she screamed, her voice trembling with rage. The mistress, a tall, elegant woman with striking features and an air of confidence, raised an eyebrow at Lee Ari's sudden outburst. Her smirk widened slightly, a glint of amusement in her eyes.

"Excuse me?" she said, her voice calm and measured. "I believe you have the wrong person."

Lee Ari, seething with anger, stepped closer, her finger pointing accusingly. "Don't play dumb with me! I know who you are. You're the mistress of my husband, Choi Min-Jun. How dare you show your face here!"

The woman's smirk faded, replaced by a look of bored disdain. "Oh, you're his wife. How quaint." She crossed her arms over her chest, looking down at Lee Ari with an almost pitying gaze.

Lee Ari's breath hitched, her chest heaving with the effort to contain her fury. This woman, standing there so calmly, so confidently, was a stark contrast to the storm brewing inside her. She wanted to lash out, to tear that smug look off the mistress's face, but all she managed was a strangled growl.

"Stay away from my husband!" she hissed, her voice low and dangerous.

The mistress laughed, a melodic sound that only served to infuriate Lee Ari further. "Oh, darling," she said, stepping closer, her perfume a cloud of expensive floral notes. "I think you're the one who should be worried about your place in his life."

Lee Ari's face turned red with fury. "You think you can just walk away after destroying my marriage? Do you have any idea who I am?"

The mistress laughed softly, shaking her head. "I don't care who you are. As far as I'm concerned, Min-Jun is just a source of amusement and financial support. If you can't keep your man in check, that's your problem, not mine."

The audacity of the mistress's words left Lee Ari momentarily speechless. She had expected anger, maybe even fear, but this woman's calm indifference was infuriating. Her mind raced, trying to find the right words to put this woman in her place.

"You'll regret this," Lee Ari hissed through gritted teeth. "I'll make sure you pay for this."

The mistress shrugged, her expression indifferent. "Do what you must. But don't waste your breath on threats. They won't get you anywhere."

With that, the mistress turned and walked away, leaving Lee Ari standing there, trembling with rage. The encounter had not gone as she had planned, and she felt a mix of frustration and helplessness. She needed to find another way to deal with this woman and reclaim her dignity.

A/N: Hey Cute Readers. Some of you were able to guess right but not fully.

Quick Question: Lee Ari and Kim Ae Cha will soon come face to face, what do you think would happen.

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