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A:n- so as I said some part of closeness.. (You know what I mean)


The empty library was filled with silence only, one was sitting on his chair writing down some documents.

Arranging his glasses as he took notice of the certain h/c hair male who often comes to the library.

Most people would have talk to him as he helds so much authority in a way among the Mafia, even rumoured of being favoured by the Boss himself.

Yet the male could care less about the male who was minding his own business. Somehow, he could understand the stress that the h/c hair male feels as he often seems tired.

So, he does not disturb him and continue in his own work.

His eyes flickered and took of the certain red head Male who have approached the Researcher.

They mumble within thy self then, turn to face him making him stumble on his own work and look away.

He was slightly embarrassed to be caught staring at the taller males.

He heard footsteps approaching yet, he didn't look up.

Until, it halt just beside his table making him glance up to come in stare with the e/c eyes.

Surely, the rumoured was true that your eyes resemble a dragon eyes due to the pupil dilating into thin black ones.

"Good afternoon sir!" He stood up and bowed in respect towards you as you shook your head slightly.

"There is no need to bow.. I was searching for. . a novel"

"A novel?"


"...which.. Novel"



Ango raise an eyebrow slight confused, until, his eyes widen recalling Dazai mentioning.. 'is this the test? Sh*t! I was not prepared for that.. I thought, he was joking!'

(Which is a lie)

"..so..?" You stare at him as he stare back, "what.. Kind of genre?" Asked Ango a bit hesitation.

".. Any except, Romance, sci-fi as I have no interest to cringe or even Process.."


".... Do you know any?"

"..I.. Um.." Ango sweatdropped while, walking around the library room then, picked a random book.

You look uninterested as The walk came to a halt as you asked if he really have no knowledge about the library section which, he said he doesn't know.

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