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As the footsteps echoes in the dark alley.

The male glance at the fallen assassins, as he dialed a number.

The taller male beside him, check their pulse and sighed while, Taking out a string to inject.

"Boss, our assault ended in failure" said Chuuya as you merely took the sample in collect little glass bottles.

"We've put a tail on him, but I suspect.."

As you took notice of Chuuya taking out another phone as he glance at it.

"We're getting a strong signal"

You stood up from crotching down and arrange your gloves as the samples of blood on your tool box.

The sun was setting as you stare at the sky.. While, in deep thoughts to self.


"Wouldn't it better if agency and port mafia just work together? At least Yokohama will be safe from the hands guild"

"...." Chuuya blink twice as his eyes narrowed a bit.

"What do you mean By Yokohama been in danger for.... Sensei?"

"Just a.. Very percuilar feeling that... It won't just be only organization" you said as you side glance at Chuuya who kept his phone on his pocket.

You gently smile and start walking past Chuuya who quickly followed behind you with obvious doubts.

As he knows that feeling of yours had always been correct and deep he knows he have to be cautious as maybe this is your way of warning about the future or sort.


"Hnm?" You glance down at Chuuya who walk beside you.

"Can you.. see it?"

"See what?"

"The future?"

"..." You chuckle and shook your head while walking.

"It is just a feeling don't worry about it.. And even if something did occurred leading to Yokohama may get destroyed then.." You eyes narrowed a bit as your smile widens.

"wouldn't it be the worse case scenario" you said as Chuuya tilt his head yet, nod as you went inside the car with Chuuya standing beside your car seat as the window of the car was open.

"Well.. beside that I shall get going.." You paused as Chuuya look confused as he was going to see you off, your face covered in dark viel or sort implicating a frown on your lips.

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