Ruined Plans| Central Cee

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Requested by Rueusedbag

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Requested by Rueusedbag

Trigger warning: sad/cheater

Y/N bounced her one-year-old son, Miles, in her lap humming a sweet lullaby. She looked down at the brown boy seeing that he was fast asleep. He lightly sucked on his pacifier. Y/N smoothly pulled it out watching as his face contorted slightly.

Her eyes flickered to the time, 5am. Y/N rolled her eyes grabbing her phone. Once again she hit the call button. She watched as it rang and rang before sending her to voicemail. Oakley was late coming home once again.

Her phone pinged and she jumped thinking it was him. Y/N felt her eyes tear up as she read the post.

UKGossip tagged @/YNOfficial in a post with @/CentralCee with the caption: Looks like famous rapper Central Cee was spotted out with Victoria's Secret model, Chandler Reyes all last night. Sources claim they went to a Las Vegas casino where he blew 100 bands! Pictures of them kissing surfaced as he said goodbye to her at their private airport tarmac. Link in bio for full story!

Comment 1: Damn that's crazy

Comment 2: Of course she's white

Comment 3: Come home the kids miss you

Comment 4 replied to Comment 3: Bro they actually have a kid together

Y/N pushed down the bile coming up her throat. Ignoring the flashing notifications and text messages on her phone she dialed her mother's number. She answered on the first ring.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Her mother's warm voice made her tears fall down her cheeks.

"Hi, momma. Umm, is that guest bedroom still open?" Y/N questioned noticing an array of black cars parked outside their beachfront home waiting for her to make an appearance. She could hear the waves crashing in the distance.

"Of course, baby. You know you don't have to ask. Is my grandbaby with you?"

Y/N sighed almost forgetting she had a child on her lap, "Yes ma'am."

A few hours later, Y/N pulled on her jacket tighter as she pulled off in her rental car. She drove through the city trying to ignore the millions of calls from Oakley.

She listened to his latest voicemail:

"Bro where the fuck are you man? I get home and all your shit is packed. My son's shit is gone! Answer the fucking phone!"

She flinched at his tone before turning off her phone. Her eyes brightened a bit when she pulled up to her childhood home.

The quiet suburban neighborhood made her feel safer and away from prying eyes. Her mother opened the door taking Miles in her hands. He smiled at his grandmother.

"Hi, my sweet baby!"

Y/N dropped their suitcases off in the foyer, "Where's dad?"

Her mom looked from Miles to her, "Out golfing with friends. He should be here before dinner."

Y/N laid in her old room while her mother watched Miles. She let the tears flow freely sobbing into her pillow.

Her charging phone kept vibrating on the desk.


Bro please don't play with me.
Where's my son!
Look I just wanna talk.
Whatever you heard or seen it ain't true!

Y/N turned over pulling the comforter over her head. She wanted to disappear. Her mother came into the room closing the door softly, "I put him down for a nap."

Y/N tried to hide her cries but her mother's warm arms cradled her like she was a baby. Her mother soothed her rubbing her back and letting her cry.

"It's okay Y/N."

Y/N wiped her tears clearing her throat, "Ma, I don't know what to do."

"Does he know where Miles is?"

"No. I just left."

Her mother shook her head, "Now you know you should've told him where you were going."

"But momma he's out here being a hoe while I'm at home taking care of our child. Shit isn't fair."

Her mother raised an eyebrow, "I know it hurts but you can't let emotion cloud your judgment."

Y/N sighed reaching for her phone. The same messages flashed on her screen. Her mother closed her bedroom door softly leaving her alone. Y/N hit the call button waiting for him to pick up.


She cleared her throat trying to keep her composure, "I was just calling you back. You know letting you know that I'm alive."

"You really just took my son without telling me?"

"Well, I'm sorry Mr. Caesar-Su if little ole me doesn't do what the fuck you say." Her anger was getting the best of her.

Oakley pulled the phone from his ear looking at the screen, "Please don't play with me right now."

"Miles is fine. He's with his mother and that's all he needs right now."

Y/N hung up throwing her phone on her bed. Oakley heard the tone beeping through the other end. Sucking his teeth he leaned back on the couch listening to the empty house. His jaw ticked when the silence became unbearable.

He placed his head in his hands wishing he could hold his son and hear Y/N laugh as she blew kisses at Miles. Running a hand down his face he remembers the most important thing. Oakley took out the velvet box from his pocket. It creaked open revealing the shiny diamond engagement ring. He had ruined everything he planned.

The next day Y/N sauntered into the house with a book bag over her shoulder. Oakley jumped from the couch approaching her. His eyes searched for his son. Y/N held a sleeping Miles. She rubbed the baby's back.

"Look whose here." She whispered into the sleepy child's ears.

Oakley couldn't contain his smile when Miles reached out to him. He kissed the boy's chubby cheeks before looking at Y/N, "Hey."

"I only came to get the rest of my stuff."

She avoided eye contact with him as she entered their shared bedroom. He followed her as Miles put his head on his broad shoulder, "Y/N wait."

She stopped in her tracks when she noticed the box on the bed. Oakley cursed, "Shit."

Her eyes pooled with tears again. She wiped her face turning to face him, "A ring?"

Y/N realized he looked like shit. His brown eyes were dark with tiredness and his skin looked tainted. Oakley swung his body from side to side trying to stay calm, "I wanted to propose when I got back yesterday but I figured it wasn't happening now."

Y/N laughed dryly, "What a mess."

The two stood inside the bedroom staring into each other's eyes. No one knew what move to make next. Miles stalled in his father's arms bringing Y/N back down from her daze, "I'll let you spend the day with him and then we'll talk, okay?"

He nodded moving to let her exit, "Okay."

Authors Note:

I hope you like it! (Lowkey hate this)

Vote and comment.

Excuse mistakes.

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