The Bartender| Central Cee

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Trigger Warning: fighting, sexual tension/comments etc

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Trigger Warning: fighting, sexual tension/comments etc.

Oakley rubbed his forehead trying to ease the ache. His producer played another beat but was soon cut off as Oakley waved his hand, "Cut that shit off man."

"You wanna run it again?"

He shook his head, "I just need some time to think about it. I don't know. I just feel blocked."

His manager sighed, "How much time do you need. We gotta make this deadline."

Oakley mugged him, "Until I get what I need."

"Well figure this shit out!"

He slammed his hands onto the table aggressively, "Why don't you just let me do me, alright? I'm so tired of hearing you fucking talk."

He stood up grabbing his matching tech jacket. Oakley moved quickly from the small studio. He swiftly left his bodyguards roaming the street. Oakley rubbed his tired face. The traveling and stress was finally getting to him.

His eyes perked up as the moonlight fell on his tan skin. Spanish wasn't really a language he knew but he did know what a bar looked like. Oakley smirked as he entered the bar, no one even looked at him.

Oakley sat down at one of the barstools. It was fairly crowded. Many people danced to the Spanish guitar and drums. Their hips moved provocatively, swaying to the sultry sounds. The melody was nice and put his stress at ease.

"Whatchu drinking, amor?" the bartender asked him making him jump.

Cench kept his expression natural as the beautiful female worked in front of him. Her arms flexed as she uncapped beers placing them in patrons' hands. Oakley couldn't help but smile, "What do you recommend?"

Y/N smiled before him, "Ohhh your accent is different, papi. Where you from?"

Y/N's eyes left his as she continued to take orders from the rowdy crowd. She slid glasses across from her as her coworker placed food orders down. "London but here visiting."

She nodded wiping her forehead with her towel, "Nice."

Y/N kept her answers short as he admired her. She leaned against the counter with a warm smile. Her cute crop top hugged her waist pushing up her full breast. "What's your name."

"Call me Cee."

"That's cute."

Before she could speak again her coworker called out to her, "Y/N help me get these drinks out."

She slid him a Columbian beer before turning to an older customer, "Bryan what is it gonna be today, mi amor?"

The man gave her a wicked smile, "Are you on the menu today?"

"You ask me that every day and what's my answer?" She asked giving him his beer.

She gasped when his arm caught her wrist squeezing it tightly, "I'm not a man who waits Y/N."

Y/N gritted her teeth pulling her arm. Oakley shook his head, "Let her go man."

The man staggered towards him, "Or what little boy? Don't try to defend this bitch."

That was his last straw. Oakley gripped the beer bottle throwing it against the man's head. (NOTE: don't do this cuz you'll get an aggravated assault charge!)

The crowd went silent for a few seconds. Y/N cursed as the man lay on the floor holding his cracked-open head. Blood splattered onto the floor as the seething man looked up at him.

That's when all hell broke loose. The crowd began fighting each other. Bryan, the man with the cracked open skull, lunged at Oakley. He quickly began fighting making Y/N roll her eyes. The bar brawl was getting out of hand when Y/N heard glass shatter.

"Hey, don't mess up my bar. What the actual fuck!" She shouted pushing her way through the crowd.

Bryan was on top of Oakley punching his right in the face. Y/N withdrew her gun clicking the safety off. The fighting stopped as people ran seeing her shiny silver pistol. She pushed the barrel of the gun right at his temple.

"Throw another punch and I'll pull the trigger."

Y/N sighed flipping another broken chair over. The bar was empty as her coworker helped scrape the broken glass. "Go home, I'll finish up."

Her coworker smiles eagerly gliding away leaving the two of them alone. Oakley held a pack of ice on his face watching her. The smell of amber and cinnamon filled his nostrils. Y/N put the broom down.

"Let me see it." Her warm hands pulled on his revealing his bruised face.

Oakley gave her a crooked smile as she dabbled at his wounds. He hissed when the peroxide made contact with his skin, "Damn."

Y/N's dainty fingers placed a bandaid on his cuts before cleaning her hands, "You didn't have to do that, Papi."

Her light Spanish accent made him hard, "I wanted to."

She sat close to him on the barstool clicking her teeth, "Is there a reason why you started fighting for my honor in a random ass country?"

Her joke made him laugh, it was contagious making her giggle, "Nah. Just work got me stressed."

"Rapper, I'm assuming?"

"How'd you know?"

Y/N reached out pulling on his diamond necklace and expensive watch, "You reek of dinero."

His eyebrows furrowed slightly as he looked into her eyes, "You kinda helped ease the stress you know."

"Aye Papi, don't get me hot." She waved a hand in front of her.

Oakley caught onto her wrist smoothing out her bruise. His eyes flickered to hers. Y/N was left floating when he leaned in kissing her lips. She moaned slightly as he bit her lip. Y/N slipped her tongue in his mouth gripping his face and earning a groan from him.

"Lo siento, I forgot about your um...face." She whispered watching him smile.

Her eyes glanced at the clock. It wasn't even midnight yet before she sighed, "How long are you here for?"

Oakley shrugged his shoulders, "Just a few days but I wanna get to know you."

She kissed him again pulling him closer, "That's all I need, Papi."

Authors Note:

This was cute for real

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Sorry I've been MIA, I've been working and being lazy fr

Smut coming tomorrow maybe, LOVE Y'ALLLLL

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