Bust The Windows 2| Central Cee

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Trigger warning: CUTE SHITTTT because y'all asked...

Y/N sat in the back of the restaurant searching the menu. Her stomach growled as her eyes fell upon the four-cheese pasta with bacon. Footsteps made her look up. Her face brightened when she saw Oakley approach the table.

He was dressed in a simple yet comfortable outfit, the opposite of her cute blouse and ripped jeans. She squealed standing up and reaching for a hug. He gladly accepted her embrace enjoying the smell of citrus.

"Hi," Y/N said breathlessly as she sat down in the booth.

Oakley nodded, "Hey."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, "What?"

He smiled showing his teeth, "Nothing, I was just wondering if you busted D'Angelo's windows."

Y/N felt her face flush at his words. She leaned across the table showing some of her cleavage, "If this is between us, I did go by after I left your place."

Oakley let out a laugh, holding his stomach, "You're a bad girl, do you know that?"

"Yes." She winked at him sipping her water.

Oakley bit the inside of his cheek suddenly enamored by the woman in front of him, "Why'd you do it anyway?"

Y/N raised her arched eyebrow, "He cheated on me so I got him back for it."

Oakley tapped his fingers on the table, "So if I make you mad you're gonna bust the windows out of my car?"

Y/N shook her head, "Not unless you deceive me."


Oakley watched as Y/N ordered her food. An industrial piercing sat on her left ear. Her natural hair was all over the place but he loved how it defied gravity. A cute tennis bracelet sat on her left wrist. She had a thing for her left side, he guessed.

"Are you left-handed?" Oakley asked once the waiter went away.

Y/N smiled, "Yeah, how'd you know?"

He motioned to her left side, "You got a lot going on."

She smiled brightly allowing her eyes to twinkle at him, "Oakley, is this you being romantic?"

He blushed leaning back into his seat, "Nah, nah."

She giggled, "I think you like me more than you're letting on."

His face went blank, "I just wanted a free meal."

"Okay, whatever you say."

After paying for lunch Y/N made her way outside. Oakley followed her like a lost puppy. He lingered by the valet parking area. Y/N was still smiling. He hated that. Her adorable giggly side made him grumpy.

"Oh, there's this botanical garden a few blocks away. Do you wanna go?" Y/N asked clearly wanting to spend more time with him.


Oakley swatted at a honey bee that whizzed past him as they walked through the city's botanical garden. The plants climbed as high as they could. Y/N held onto his right hand pulling him towards the tulips.

He sneezed overwhelmed by the pollen, "I don't think this is a good idea."

"The pollen won't kill you," Y/N spoke enjoying the colorful sights before her.

He scratched at his tan skin trying not to hate it so much, "Y/N I should've said no."

Her eyes dwindled at his words, "Ohh, then you should've said that."

Oakley winched when she stepped back from him giving him space, "Sorry."

"Don't worry about it. A lot of people can't handle my weirdness."

His face softened when she turned away slightly rubbing her arm. "It's an acquired taste, darling."

A butterfly fluttered landing on Y/N's head. Her doe eyes flicked up as she slowly took the butterfly putting it on the flower bush, "Sure."

The two walked back to where their cars were parked. Y/N leaned against her door, "Thanks for walking me back."

He nodded his head, "No problem."

"Today was nice. I mean, yeah, it was cool." Y/N cleared her throat.

Oakley laughed taking his hand in hers, "It was nice, Y/N. I'll see you around."

She sighed when he backed away from her, "Try not to bust out any more windows, okay?"

Authors Note:

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Sorry for errors

Bruh, I don't like this but didn't know how to end it

WHAT ELSE DO YALL WANT PART 2 FOR, speak now or forever hold your peace

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