Paperwork and small talk

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After Malfoy conducted some final inspection at the burnt house, while Elena still yelled at Robbards, they all left, apparating back to the Ministry. Elena asked Hermione to lead her to Minister Shacklebolt, stating she had to talk to him immediately, while Harry and Ron went back to their office, followed by Malfoy and little Anya, to fill out their paperwork. It was past lunchtime, so Ron left to bring them some food, and Harry was left in his office with a Malfoy and a Malfoy miniature, not in looks, but in spirit. It was an extremely uncomfortable situation.

- Make yourselves at home. - Harry said, plummeting to his chair again, and telling himself that all he had to do was focus on filling his paperwork and only talk to Malfoy if he needed any details he didn't follow during the attack, before letting him go. Just a couple of minutes in a room with Malfoy, he could be civil.

- No, that doesn't mean you can look through their stuff, Anya. - Malfoy spat, pulling gently the cape of his goddaughter before she reached Ron's desk.

- But he said... - Anya protested.

- That means you can sit down and behave properly. - Malfoy interrupted. - Not behave as you do in your house.

- Well, that makes no sense. - She said, bearing a winsome smile filled with fake innocence. Malfoy just rolled his eyes and pointed to the chair in front of Harry's desk, and she sat down. Malfoy was also visibly uncomfortable, but he sat down in the chair beside her.

- So, what do we do now? - She asked, eyeing Harry with great curiosity. - That was over too quicky, can we go do some other mission in the afternoon?

Harry stared at Anya with no clue to how the mind of that little child worked.

- Anya, for Merlin's sake...! - Malfoy was pressing his temple again. - Now, Potter has to write a report on what happened and I'm only here to fill in for any detail he missed. Then we'll leave.

- Really? Boring paperwork? - She complained. - No more action? And then we go home? Wow! Never thought working as an Auror would be so boring. Maybe your work is more fun that I thought, Uncle Draco.

Harry could not hold back a laugh. She was hard to understand, but in Harry's eyes she was still lovely. At least she was very honest.

- Much less glamorous than it looks right? - Harry said, his eyes already fixed in the parchment before him as he started writing his report.

- Yes! - She said, happy that Harry agreed with her. - I would think at least the Chosen One would not have to fill paperwork.

Somehow being called the Chosen One by that little girl didn't bother Harry so much. It was almost sweet.

- No favourites here! - Harry said, winking at her before staring back at his report. Meanwhile Malfoy got the copy of the Daily Prophet on top of Harry's desk and started to read.

- Wow, your eyes are really green, Mr. Potter, like mine and mom's. - Anya said, sounding completely fascinated by that small fact. - They're really nice.

Harry stared back at the little girl, once again at lost. Her demeanour made Harry worry a bit, afraid of what it would be like when Teddy, his own godson, got to this phase. He glanced at Malfoy, who looked up at Harry with a small grin, but said nothing, and quickly turned back to his newspaper.

- Thank you. - Harry said. - My mother had green eyes too. - He added, without ever knowing why. It seemed incomplete that someone complimented his eyes without mentioning his mother.

- Oh, right. - She said, sounding a bit sad. - Sorry you didn't get to know her.

Harry dropped his feather, too surprised with the little girl. She seemed to know quite well who he was and everything that happened to him, but she didn't treat him with the devotion and adoration that was the status quo.

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