Nightmares and Daydreams

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TW: Mention to known character death and excessive drinking

Draco was standing outside Hogwarts, looking at the dead figure of Harry Potter in the arms of Rubeus Hagrid. Draco's heart had stopped for a moment. His breath had stopped for a moment. Everything had stopped for a moment. He looked around, and the snaky and disgusting face of Voldemort was staring back at him, smiling that bone chilling smile without an ounce of joy.

– Harry Potter is dead! – Voldemort yelled, and his horde of Death Eaters laughed.

Ginny Weasley ran forward, crying for her beloved, but Draco could not move. Everything in him was still, trapping him inside his own despair.

No. He thought. No, this can't be happening. His head started to spin, and he felt like the floor was about to yield under his feet. But it was not the floor, it was just his knees.

– Why didn't you tell her? – Harry's voice had asked, not long before, in the Room of Requirement. – Bellatrix. You knew it was me. You didn't say anything.

Draco wanted to scream the answer now.

Because you can't die Harry. You can't. Not just because everyone needs you, but because I love you! Please, you can't die!

But no voice came out of him. Draco had a glimpse of an older Harry, dressed in red Auror Robes, almost getting hit by a curse, but pushed out of the way just in time. Harry could not die. Draco could not let that happen.

– Draco! – It was his father's voice calling, and he saw Lucius Malfoy standing beside the horrid figure of Voldemort, smiling. His father had a hand outstretched, reaching out to him, waiting for him to join. To join back the Death Eaters. That was not the outstretched hand he wanted to take.

No. Draco thought. Today was my day out of that hell, I can't go back!

– Draco! – Now it was his mother's voice. So calm, and peaceful, and certain as she always had been. – Come. – It was sweet, but it was a command, demanding him to join the hideous half-alive copy of a man that had killed the person that Draco knew he loved.

I can't. He thought. Draco's eyes shifted around, desperate to hear someone telling him to stay, but there was no other voice reaching out to him, other than the ones calling him back to Voldemort's side. There were no outstretched hands besides the ones that wanted to pull him back into the depths of hell. No one on Harry's side wanted a marked Death Eater to stay with them.

– Draco... – A third voice rang inside his head, also calm, and peaceful, and sweet, but there was no command in it.

Draco knew that voice so well now. That was the only voice that ever gave him a choice. It was also a woman, but she had dark hair, and beautiful green eyes, just as Harry's.

Would Draco ever look into Harry's bright green eyes again?

– I'll stay away for a while, but you can leave whenever you want, ok? – The third voice said. – We have an escape route for you. Just make sure that, while you are still there, you find out who they are... All the Death Eaters, their names, their connections. The time for finding them will come, and I'll make sure they are properly hunted. The more people you uncover and the more proof you gather, the more people we'll get to later on. – That beautiful voice had said.

That was a voice Draco loved to hear, coming from a person he was proud to call family. But that voice was not there on the wrecked grounds of Hogwarts, it was only inside his head. Draco looked back at Harry's dead body and felt tears trying to come down.

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