Dragon Sanctuary

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Hours later, after they had dinner, Ron and Hermione left, and Draco lost four chess matches to Anya, he and Harry finally got upstairs to sleep. Naturally, Elena had prepared them separate rooms, one in front of the other, but Draco really did not want to part from Harry just yet. He had hidden his worries in a corner of his mind during dinner, and his infatuated heart was in charge now. The problem was that he had no idea how to bring that up without sounding like he had dirty goals, which in fact he didn't.

Draco knew that Harry was far from fully recovered, and needed rest, but he still wanted to be near him. He wanted to feel his calming presence, let him sleep on his shoulder, like they had done in the outskirts of Hogwarts, just feel him close by in any way Harry would let him.

– Hey, Draco? – Harry called him, and he woke up from his thoughts as they reached the separate doors of their rooms.

– Hum? – Draco turned to him, begging his brain to find something appropriate to say soon.

– Look, I'm... I know I'm still a bit worn out, you know, but... I'm not sure if you remember, but I kind of don't sleep much... I mean, I have trouble sleeping, so... Maybe we could... Ahn... Talk a bit more before we go to sleep. I mean... if you're not tired... – Harry was stammering a lot, his face all flushed, and that was so sweet that Draco felt he was about to melt down.

– Yeah, I was thinking the same. – Draco said quickly, not wanting to give a chance for him to change his mind, and Harry opened a broad smile. – I'm not sleepy, we can talk some more. Come on in... – Draco opened the door to his own room in Hagström Manor.

They walked in and Draco closed the door with his hands sweating as if he was still a fucking teenager that brought a date to his room for the first time. Merlin, he and Harry had slept together already, why was he so fucking nervous?

– This is where you stayed while you lived here? – Harry was looking around with his eyes filled with curiosity.

– Yeah. – Draco said, taking off his coat and dropping into the small couch just ahead. The room was quite spacious, even though it was smaller than Draco's old room at Malfoy Manor.

At the right side of the entrance, besides the couch, there was a door that led to a bathroom, a large desk with a comfortable chair and lots of bookshelves, with an armchair and a reading lamp in front of them. In the left there was a large double bed, a huge wardrobe and two bookshelves, filled with some more books and some of his old toys and stuff he asked Elena to recover from his old room at Malfoy Manor, but that he had no space to keep in his current house. And that shelf was precisely where Harry went.

– What's all this? – Harry asked, already inspecting Draco's stuff carefully.

– Merlin I should have just brought you to the guest room... – Draco complained in a whisper, thinking how his brain thought it was a good idea to bring Harry Potter into a room filled with random toys from his childhood.

– Absolutely not! – Harry heard him. He looked fascinated. – Come on, look at this!

It was an old stuffed dragon that Draco loved to sleep with growing up.

– Drop that, come on, let's go to the guest room. – Draco took his dragon from Harry's hand and put it back into place.

– Draco... – Harry pulled him close.

– What? – He asked, a bit crossed already. If Harry was about to mock him for safekeeping his old toys, Draco would need to find something to bother him about too.

But Harry just kissed him. Softly and adoringly, and Draco could not think of something better than being kissed by Harry Potter.

– Harry? – Draco called when they parted, suddenly feeling brave after that kiss.

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