The Questioning

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TW: Discussion of forced employment due to debts.

The Aurors took Draco to the only prison that existed inside the Ministry of Magic, on Level Ten. It was a familiar place, and Draco disliked the memories that those cold dungeons brought back to him. The last time he had been there, he had just come out from his three-month long stay in Azkaban, and was wating for his trial, desperately whishing that Elena would be back soon.

It was still a shock to Draco to remember that Harry had spoken in his favour, and in favour of his mother during that trial. Harry didn't even glance at him, tough. He came in, testified, and left. The he popped out of nowhere after Elena finally came back and Draco was released, to return his wand. Draco had replayed that scene so many times in his head, that he didn't even need a pensive to remember all the details.

Draco had always wondered why Harry had bothered to keep his wand. Not that Draco was not thankful for having his beloved wand back, but why would Harry keep it?

"It was the one that worked best for me when mine was broken." Draco still remembered his exact words.

"Of course it did." Draco had answered. As he walked down that corridor, he remembered his own words from that night. Words he tried to hide in the bottom of his mind along with all the rest of his feelings for Harry Potter.

They say wands can answer to the person their master love, even if their magic is not compatible. Love magic is the stronger type of magic after all. That was the part that Draco didn't say that night and kept hidden until that very moment. It was pointless to deny it at this point. He had always loved Harry, and maybe his wand knew it, much sooner than Draco admitted it for the first time.

Draco was awoken from his reminiscence when the Aurors shoved him down a cold hallway after the last flight of stairs. They searched him, took all his belongings, including his wand and the notebook he used to communicate with Elena, and dropped him unceremoniously inside a prison cell.

That would be a problem. A big problem. Draco scanned his surroundings and for his infinite desperation, his mother was in a cell in the end of that same corridor. Luckily, she as too far away for them to talk. The very last thing he needed right now was a chat with his mother. However, in the cell on his left, there was also a familiar face. It was the girl he had duelled in Knockturn Alley, and Draco searched desperately for her name in his memory.

– Hey! It's you! The pyromancer... The one that got me arrested! – She greeted, also recognizing him. – Thanks a lot! – There was some irony in her voice, but strangely there was no resentment.

– Myla Foster... – Draco remember her name and said it aloud. – Hello... Yeah, sorry for getting you caught, but trust me, your safer in here.

– Oh, you know my name! It would be polite to tell me yours, you know?! – She stepped closer and leaned one arm in the cell bars.

– Draco Malfoy. – He answered, dropping himself in the small bed of his cell, feeling completely drained.

– Fuck! You're a Malfoy? – She clinged to the cell bars, inspecting him closely and with great interest.

– I'm the Malfoy. – Draco lifted his right hand for her to see his signet ring, the one that marked him as Lord Malfoy.

– Holy shit. – She gasped. – They were after you then?! I mean, that Ruby can only harm people from the direct line of the Blacks, and you're a Black, aren't you?

– Oh, so you knew what the Ruby did! And you know your way around purebloods and their family trees... I'm impressed. – Draco was very surprised with how much that girl knew, but he didn't let it show in his voice, keeping a nonchalant air while covering his exhausted eyes with his right arm.

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