Prisoners and Love Stories

90 11 41

TW: Mild Violence.

Harry opened the wards on Draco's office on the next morning, and the Golden Trio walked in. The previous night had been a mess, but Harry had found a way to explain to his annoying boss that he had intercepted a clandestine auction and arrested some of the organizers, without revealing anything on The Golden Butterfly.

Ron had apologized a million times already for his delay. As Draco had guessed, he got caught up with Robbards on his way out, and Robbards demanded explanations, and the whole thing was a mess. But Ron arrived a few minutes after Draco left, and the backup still helped to catch a lot of AP's supporters, so it had been a win, of some sort. Luckily, the story Harry told, and the story Ron told about the auction were pretty similar, so their lie passed as truth.

Now, it was not even 7 a.m. and they had yet another long day ahead of them, to try and sort everything out, and plan their next move. Harry felt his eyes heavy, since he barely napped a few hours on his desk, but as soon as he walked into Draco's office his brain woke up, worried about Draco.

There was nobody at the reception and the door to the office was closed. When Harry knocked, no one answered. He panicked for a small moment before pushing the door open and finding Draco passed out in his couch, with a notebook opened on his chest. Draco didn't move when they entered the office. Harry walked up to the couch and sat down by his side, but Draco still didn't move.

Slowly, Harry started pulling the notebook away from him, and Draco woke up startled. Before Harry could blink, the dark obsidian dagger that Draco carried on his boot was a small inch away from Harry's throat. Harry's eyes widened a bit, but he didn't even flinch. He knew Draco would not actually attack before noticing it was him.

Draco was panting, and his eyes went wide in shock when he saw it was Harry.

– Easy, is just me... – Harry held his hand and gently lowered it.

– Fuck, I'm sorry. – Draco quickly put his dagger back in the sheet in his boot and massaged his eyes. – I'm just not used being woken by anyone. At least not anyone friendly.

– It's ok. – Harry said in a soothing tone. – Did you go home last night? – Harry asked, when he saw that Draco had changed from his beautiful party clothes to his regular black and green vests.

– Just for a shower. Then I came straight here... I guess I fell asleep before finishing what I had planned to do... – Draco stared at his notebook for a while before closing it and putting it back into an inner pocket on his vests. – Any news?

Harry shook his head.

– Nothing much. We managed to get Robbards off our tails and were lucky to have Shacklebolt to personally put us in charge to investigate the Auction, so we're good. – Harry summarized the news he had.

They had not much more time for updates because the small beep that said there was someone at the door started to sound around the office.

They were all alarmed.

– Are you expecting someone? – Harry asked, while helping Draco up.

– Absolutely not. – He answered and raced to the front door. He opened the curtains, and the window allowed them to see the outside, and who was at his door.

– You can see outside? Is the window showing on the brick wall? – Ron asked, walking up to the window to check it too.

– No, it's not showing. Is shows only one way when the wards are closed, we can see the street from the inside, but they are only seeing the brick wall. – Draco answered, still staring at the outside.

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