The Private Investigator

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Five years later, on a rainy Monday morning, April 21st,2003, Harry stormed into the messy office in the Auror Headquarters that he shared with his partner and best friend, to find Ron already there waiting for him. His mood had been fine on that rainy April morning, up until he went to talk to the Head Auror, Gawain Robbards, and got their next case.

- Merlin Harry, what's wrong? - Ron was quick to pick Harry's bad temper since it usually meant problems and headaches for himself and all the rest of the department. The one thing Harry still needed to work on to become Head Auror, was his temper.

- Go ahead. Read it! - Harry tossed a file in Ron's desk, as if it was more than enough answer.

Ron did not argue and opened the file. It was a very different case than their last. They had been working on a missing person's case, that took forever to unfold into the most boring outcome: a husband that had two families and was fleeing from one of the wives, who could not bear his children. It had been completely anticlimactic and boring, but this new case seemed exciting. The summary quickly explained that someone spotted an ancient house, that was causing all sorts of problems to whoever approached it. There were wards in the house that kept everyone out, and those who tried to break through the wards all ended up in St. Mungus with different degrees of serious problems.

Ron swept briefly through the description of several effects of unknown jinxes and curses, that were laid upon the people who tried to get passed the house wards, and his stomach revolted, threatening to return his breakfast if he dwelled too long in the descriptions. So, Ron followed through, still not understanding why this case angered Harry so much. He only understood when he got to the final remark.

In the final page, written in the hasty calligraphy of Robbards, was a single note: "Hire Private Investigator to assist, Mr. Draco Malfoy."

- Malfoy? - Ron asked, now understanding Harry's anger. - What the fuck would Malfoy know about how to do an Auror's job?

- Robbards said he is supposed to be an expert in breaking wards. And other Dark Wizard shit. - Harry said, plummeting in his chair as if the world had become a darker place now that he had to meet Draco Malfoy.

- Well, that at least is believable. - Ron said. - He should know his way around Dark Magic.

That did not improve Harry's mood, and only resulted in a murmur of complain.

- When do we have to fetch him? - Ron asked, afraid of Harry's reaction, but taking his chances.

- Today, if possible, but we have to finish the paperwork of the missing husband case first. They need Malfoy to show up tomorrow morning, one way or the other. We'll have to convince him somehow. - Harry answered and, surprisingly, turned to do his paperwork with an unusual dedication.

- Fine. And do you know how to find him? - Ron asked.

- There is a card in the file. The address of his office is in the back. - Harry said. Ron searched the file until he found a black card, with silver lettering that read: "Draco Malfoy - Private Investigator" in the front, in a very beautiful calligraphy. In the back there was an address: "1 Siddons Ln, London. Please knock."

- You know where this is? - Ron asked. He knew not much about London, since he lived in the countryside, but he knew how much Harry loved roaming the busy streets of the city in his spare time.

- It's close to Sherlock Holmes house. - Harry answered in an even worse mood. - In a lane, right behind Baker Street. This is like a bad joke!

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