A dream, nothing more

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TW: Social judgement.

Draco stared at his reflection in the mirror and nodded approvingly. He looked absolutely fabulous, despite being casual enough to their goal of the day: having lunch at the Weasleys. He was sure that it was a terrible idea, but Harry had insisted so much that Draco had no choice but to accept. It was already the last Sunday, and the 29th of June and Ron and Hermione's wedding was approaching, so it was now or never.

Their Aurum Papilio case was not over yet, and both Draco and Harry were still working non-stop to gather intel and evidence to arrest and judge all the other members of the Golden Butterfly, and they would be immersed in that for a while now. The only good thing that Draco achieved on the past week was managing to get a deal for his mother in which she shared all the information that she had in exchange for her not being sent to Azkaban, but she was still in house arrest for the moment.

Things had been strange between Draco and Narcissa ever since the war started, but her latest decision of joining the Golden Butterfly had put another damper in their relationship and grew yet another barrier in between them. Draco had relented and visited her at the Manor once, but he had been with Harry and other Aurors, so they hadn't talked much. He could see the regret all over his mother face once again, but at this point he didn't know if it would make a difference in the long run. He was tired of trying and just wanted to stay away from her for a while.

Draco also had to tell Madeline Greengrass the truth about both her daughters. He told her that Astoria sent him a letter saying she had run away with her lover, and calling off the wedding, as he and Astoria had already agreed on while they talked back at the hospital. That was already enough to distress Madeline to her limit.

But when Draco got to Daphne, he saw the life leaving the eyes of that woman as she discovered the things her daughter did, and what the future held for her. Azkaban would be Daphne's happy ending, but there were much worse places she could, and probably would, end up in. She was still awaiting trial, and she had not been cooperative after that night.

Daphne had refused to take anymore veritaserum, and after the emergency was over the restrictions of the Ministry to prevent the abusive use of veritaserum kept them from insisting on that. She had been also closed off behind heavy occlumency walls, and there was not much more they could do before the trial. However, as it was, there was more than enough proof to get her a life sentence at Azkaban, and it was never easy for a mother to hear that.

However, not all was bad or complicated news. The good news was that Harry Potter wanted Draco Malfoy to be his date for his best friends' wedding. Draco rejoiced in that particular news, especially because they had barely started to have a real relationship.

But, and there was a big 'BUT' here, he needed to be officially presented to the Weasley's huge family as Harry's boyfriend before the wedding, to avoid any scenes at the big day. Draco had promised Hermione he would make sure everything went smoothly, and he had to keep that promise. He had started by rearranging all the tables to fit himself and the rest of the Hagströms, that were now invited to the wedding, and the second step was the lunch he should go to in a couple of minutes.

So there he was, fretting in front of the mirror, staring at his dark brown and cream coloured wizarding robes, asking himself if there was even the slightest chance of the day unfold into a nice and peaceful end. He knew the answer was 'no', but he could dream, right? The problem was that Draco had a very strong foreboding feeling that depending on how this day went, his new relationship with the man he dreamed about since he was a teenager could be over before it even started.

– You look amazing so get away from that mirror! – Harry's voice said behind him, fishing him out of his web of pessimism.

But when Draco turned around, he had a very pleasant surprise. Harry had also dressed up for the day and was wearing a nice dark-blue robe, wizarding style, and new leather boots. He never expected that Harry would look so nice in blue, but then again, maybe in his eyes Harry would look good in absolutely anything, including nothing.

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