Safe Room

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TW: Discussion of what could be the equivalent of a drug, and its forced administration, as well as unauthorized administration on people who are not aware they're being given it. 

Malfoy opened the door inside his office, and it led to a flight of stairs. The stairs and the walls and the ceiling were all black, as the wide room they emerged in when they followed him downstairs.

- Why is everything made of this black stone? - Ron asked, as they descended the stairs.

- Is this black obsidian? - Harry asked.

- Yes. This is my safe room. - Malfoy answered.

- Black obsidian is used for containing Black Magic... - Hermione stated, in her usual book-reciting voice.

Malfoy chuckled.

- That's the spread word. - He said, sounding amused. - But black obsidian is used for containing powerful magic, Granger. The stone doesn't really know how to differentiate between the human classification for Dark or Light magic.

Hermione eyed Malfoy suspiciously.

- Don't need to look me like that Granger. I only do very licit magic in here, don't worry. - Malfoy added, in a tone that made clear that was a blatant lie.

The room had little furniture. Across the room, in the opposite side of the entrance, there was a small area for potion brewing. Shelves full of ingredients and vials covered all the wall, and there were four cauldrons boiling with unidentified potions, and two more stored under a large wood counter. There was a huge number of scattered papers on top of the counter, with annotations, and another huge number of crumpled papers scattered on the floor.

There were some wood dummies spread around, two of them seeming destroyed beyond even magical repair. On the wall on their left, there was a massive board, filled with papers magically glued to it. That's where Malfoy went, and they followed.

- What are you brewing? - Ron asked.

- Three failed versions of "the bane of will", and one failed antidote to it. - He said, sounding tired.

- Is it really that complicated? - Hermione asked, and Malfoy glared at her.

- No offense to your brilliant intellect, Granger, but I consider myself highly skilled in the art of potion making. I was Severus Snape favourite student for a reason. - Malfoy said, eyebrows furrowed in irritation. - Also, if this was easy to make, someone would have accomplished it centuries ago.

Hermione rolled her eyes.

- I know it must be complicated. - She said, but there was no empathy on her voice. She had that know-it-all air Harry knew so well, that said she was convinced she could figure the potion out in one afternoon if she gave a try.

- Oh, so you just think you'll be faster than me to figure it out, right? - Malfoy asked, quick to understand her, but the irritation in his voice was replaced by pure exhaustion. He massaged his temples and gestured to his potion making space. - By all means, be my guest. Go through my findings, give yourself a try, and I'll buy you dinner in the most expensive restaurant in London tonight if you can figure this potion out this afternoon.

- Hey! I'm standing right here! - Ron protested.

Malfoy frowned at Ron, as if not understanding his comment.

- Oh, Merlin, Weasley, I'm not hitting on Granger! - Realization filled his face, and he was laughing.

Ron was satisfied, but Hermione was offended.

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