The prodigal father

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TW: Implied suicidal thoughts, and abusive parenting.

It was October 3rd, 2004. It was cold and raining, and the day was hideous for many reasons. Draco should be going to fetch the present he ordered for his new godson or goddaughter that should be born in the beginning of November, but he would have to do it tomorrow, because once more, his life was upside down.

He apparated into a graveyard feeling his heart tight as he hadn't in many years, listening to the rain pour down in his umbrella with the gloomy sound of upcoming disaster. He knew this day would come, and he thought he was prepared for it, but he wasn't.

Draco was getting drenched from the waist down, and his feet were already freezing with the cold water that filled his boots, but that didn't bother him. He needed a minute, and it had to be now. As he walked amongst the tombstones, his mind was lost in memories. Memories from the war. It didn't take long for him to reach the tombstone he had come to visit.

– Hey Severus. – Draco greeted his old potion teacher, godfather, and fellow spy. – Been a while, huh? Sorry, I got my hands full, so I couldn't visit. But I brought your favourite today.

Draco was carrying a bottle of a very unique liquor that he only ever saw Severus drinking. It was far too bitter for the common folk, but he poured himself a glass and left the bottle at the graveyard.

– Cheers! – Draco said and gulped down the liquor. – Merlin, Severus, this is horrible! I'll never understand why you liked this!

Of course nobody answered him. However, somewhere deep in his mind, he could still hear Severus' answer.

"It is not suited for a child's palate!" Severus' strict voice echoed in Draco's mind. It was curious because on that particular day he was indeed feeling like a child. Like a lost child.

– It would seem like I'm still a child after all, Severus. – Draco complained to the graveyard.

"What do you want?" Severus voice echoed in his mind again. That was the first line that Severus would always say whenever Draco barged in his office uninvited.

– My father has been released from Azkaban, Severus... Looks like my mother managed to get the man a deal after all, even from her house arrest. He was supposed to stay in Azkaban for another year...! And you know what's worse? She used my work in the Auror department to appeal to the Wizengamot. – Draco whispered.

"And how is that my problem?" Severus voice kept echoing in his head, and Draco chuckled. Even his memory of Severus was unnecessarily rude. Maybe Draco simply couldn't imagine him any other way.

Draco didn't answer his own imagined sentence from Severus. He just sat down, reclining, and using the stone as a backrest. Draco gave up on the umbrella, and let the cold rain soak him completely.

"Would you be so kind to stop desecrating my tombstone? I would prefer not to be bothered on my eternal rest." Severus voice ringed in his ears with the sentence he thought it was most probable that his godfather would say, and Draco smiled sadly.

– I guess I just enjoy bothering you, Severus. I did learn how to roll my eyes in disgust by copying you. You rolled your eyes quite a lot at me. – Draco answered this time.

"You give me too much trouble, boy!" Draco heard yet another one of Severus favourite lines in his mind.

– Well, you did swear to protect me, didn't you? You even made the Unbreakable Vow... – Draco whispered.

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