The new life

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It was very strange for Harry Potter to realize that exactly one year ago, he hadn't met Draco Malfoy after the war yet. It was April 21st, 2004, and at that time, one year ago, Harry was barging into his office and complaining with Ron that Robbards had sent them to find Draco Malfoy to help on the Haunted House case.

But on that morning, Harry realized that in precisely one year, Draco Malfoy had completely taken over his life, in the best possible way.

Harry was living his life as he had never lived before. His job still demanded a lot of him, and even with the Aurum Papilio case closed things were still always agitated in the Auror Department, but overall, Harry hadn't been stressed out in a long time.

He hadn't experienced any of his olds rage outburst in ages, he slept through the nights without any alcohol, and in the more difficult nights, Draco's potions helped him sleep as never before. In the worst-case scenarios, Draco occluded his nightmares for him, calming him down, and Harry felt he was slowly gathering his sanity back.

And now, Harry could be there for the people he cared about. He could hold Draco in his arms when he was the one waking up from a nightmare, he could find time to visit Teddy regularly, and follow him growing up from much closer, as he always wanted to do.

So, even though things were still complicated, Harry felt centred. He felt like he was taking the reins of his life back onto his own hands.

The only downside was that Harry and Draco spent much more time apart than Harry would like. Draco often had to work undercover, or leave London to investigate things, and Harry could not follow him like in the Aurum Papilio case, because he had his own cases to solve.

Being apart from him was hard, but even though it wasn't every night, they would always find ways to meet in Draco's little forest cottage, to have dinner together and sleep in each other's arms, in that place where the nightmares usually didn't find them. Harry loved every second of his time with Draco, even though it was much less than he wanted.

So, as if to reward them for all that had happened in the past year, Harry and Draco had gotten two full weeks off duty, at the same time. They had started the celebrations on the previous night when they both arrived at Draco's house from their last missions, and it had been quite the celebration!

Harry had closed a missing person's case, that luckily ended with the victim being rescued safely from her abductors, and Draco had tracked down some people that had taken over Borgin and Burke's after Harvey Burke was arrested. They were currently the main manufacturers and smugglers of Dark Artifacts in London, and their business needed to be shut down. But luckily, Harry had not been assigned to the Dark Artifacts case, and he could just let someone else follow Draco's lead while he got to enjoy Draco instead.

So, all in all, Harry Potter was in a great mood that morning, and that didn't go unnoticed as he walked out of the elevator on Level Two with a bright smile in his face.

– Hey, Potter, that is the smile of a man who got lucky last night! – John Dawlish said, patting his back while strolling down the corridor that led to their offices besides him.

– Morning John. – Harry said, not even bothering with the tease.

– No denial! The night must have been good... Or perhaps your well-deserved two-weeks leave is what's making you so happy. – He said.

– Both things, John. Both things. – Harry's smile grew.

John laughed.

– Good, good. Listen, I just need you to sign some things before you take your leave, and actually I needed Malfoy to sign some shit too. – John said.

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