Too many Weddings

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TW: Social judgement.

That Sunday morning found Harry and Draco sleeping in each other's arms once more. Harry had yet to go back to his apartment, at least to get a change of clothes, but he couldn't really force himself to leave Draco after they got back from Hogwarts after talking to Luna. Plus, Draco had a lot of spare sweatpants and T-shirts he almost didn't wear, and Harry was more than happy to wear those. They had Draco's smell.

It was the last Sunday they would have before wedding season started. Next Sunday, the 13th of July, was Ron and Hermione's wedding. On the following Saturday, the 19th, was Astoria and Amelia's wedding. And on Sunday the 20th was Sabrina and Andrew's wedding. There were just too many weddings, and Draco had already demanded to take Harry shopping for new clothes for all those events, because Draco also asked Harry to be his date for the two weddings that he was going to be the best man.

So that was their main activity for the day, and Draco bought him far too many clothes, and let Harry pay for nothing. On top of everything, Harry ended up dating a very rich man that seemed to enjoy buying him things. So Harry had new and very stylish and very expensive wizarding robes for the first and second events, and a three-piece muggle suit for the third. Sabrina's wedding was going to be mostly muggle-style since Andrew was a muggle.

It was almost strange to see himself in those elegant clothes. Harry had grown up using Dudley's old clothes, that always looked twice his size, and he had learned to not care so much about how he looked like. So being in those elegant vests was like seeing a whole new version of himself. And he kind of liked it, especially because he and Draco made a wonderful couple dressed up like that.

Draco looked absolutely stunning in everything, but the vest he bought for Ron and Hermione's wedding just made Harry stare at him gaping for a whole damn minute. He kept the black-silver-green combination, but the embroidery patterns and the way Draco looked in it reminded Harry of the Midsummer ball. Harry thought that it was simply impossible to anyone look better than Draco at the wedding.

Throughout the following week, Harry watched how nervous Draco was becoming about the wedding season. That was not the same as making their relationship public, since Ron and Hermione decided to do a small wedding just to close family and friends. But still, the 'small wedding just to close family and friends' still added up to almost 100 people. The Weasley family was not small, and they had many friends.

But with the Weasleys lunch and all the bad reactions so far to their working partnership, Harry understood the restlessness of Draco. Harry did try to calm him down the best he could, but on the morning of the wedding, Draco was a pile of nerves.

– Harry, are you sure this is a good idea? – Draco asked him, after they were both dressed up and ready to go.

– The best one I ever had. – Harry answered, pulling him close and kissing him softly.

– I'm serious about this, Harry. – Draco said, and Harry could feel him trembling slightly.

– So am I, Draco. – Harry said, pouring every inch of determination he had in those words. – This is not the same as going public. Nobody in that wedding will tell on us. We'll still take things slow!

– Oh, Harry, that's not what I'm afraid of! I know they won't tell on us, but what if someone makes a scene? What if it ends up being like the lunch at the Weasleys and I ruin Hermione's wedding day? – Draco said.

And once again, Draco was nervous because of someone else's feelings. Harry had already learned how selfless he could be, but it still amazed him from time to time. Draco always had such a selfish facade that sometimes it was hard to believe how much he could care about others.

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