Pretence mercy

82 8 52

TW: Blood and blood magic.

Harry woke up feeling his arms dormant. He blinked several times, but his vision was still blurred, so he felt around until he found his glasses. The first thing that came into focus was Draco Malfoy, standing just ahead of him in front of four black cauldrons, all steaming with potions under brewing. Then Harry understood he had slept at the table on Draco's safe room while reviewing the case the night before. When he moved something fell down, and he noticed there had been a blanket on his back.

– Hey! Morning sleeping beauty... – Draco smiled at him. – Thought you were going to hibernate all day! And you said I should get some sleep... You should go home and get some proper sleep for a couple of hours!

– What time is it? – Harry rubbed his eyes.

– Past 10, I guess. – Draco casted a tempus charm and it was 10:15.

– Shit. – Harry complained. He tried to move, and all his muscles complained. – Oh, God... – Harry massaged his dormant shoulders and arms, trying to get some blood circulating again.

– At least go crash on the couch upstairs for a while or conjure a bed or something. – Draco kept talking while stirring one of his potions in a precise sequency of movements.

– Are you mad? It's past 10, idiot, why didn't you wake me up? – Harry complained.

– I should be the one asking that, don't you think? I thought you were supposed to wake me after one hour last night and instead I woke up this morning at seven! – Draco countered.

– Well, I did not plan on falling asleep. – Harry defended himself, even though he wouldn't have woken Draco up either way. – What are you brewing? The antidote?

– I'm still perfecting 'the bane of will'. Hermione had some good ideas for the antidote, but for us to get the right dosage of the ingredients we need to replicate the original potion with perfection. I'm almost there, just a matter of time now... – Draco assured, looking a bit more pleased with himself.

Harry went up to his potion station and stared at the potions. They were all perfectly transparent and looked pretty much the same. Draco put out the fire under all four of the cauldrons with a wave of his hand.

– How do you know which one is right? They all look the same... – Harry asked.

Draco stared at him with wide eyes.

– They most certainly do not look the same Potter! I know you were not gifted with the best of sights but come on! – Draco frowned adorably at him. Harry chuckled.

– Sorry, they do look the same to me... – He said apologetically.

Draco rolled his eyes.

– Salazar needs to have mercy on me, because seriously... – Draco started, and pulled him closer, irritated. – Look closely, Potter! That one has a golden trace colour, this one is too bluish, this one is a bit too white, and that one is not completely transparent! – He criticized his four potions.

– Are you serious right now?! – Harry stared at the potions, only identifying the problem on the one that was not completely transparent.

Draco sighed.

– Aren't Aurors supposed to learn advanced potion making? – Draco narrowed his eyes, and Harry laughed.

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