The Prime suspect

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TW: Mention to torture and self-harm.

Harry apparated into his apartment with his heart racing like crazy in his chest. He was sure he was losing his grasp on reality because he had no idea what had just happened.

Damn it, that git is trying to give me a heart attack! Harry complained, plummeting into his couch, and massaging his eyes.

What the fuck is going on? Harry asked himself, trying to reason for a bit. Ever since he and Draco had entered Malfoy Manor, his life had turned upside down. Draco had turned his life upside down.

Everything had been so crazy and unbelievable that when Harry woke up at Hagström Manor, having not a clue how his life had led him to sleep in the Manor of a woman he barely knew in the middle of the Norwegian fjords just to check how Draco Malfoy was in the morning, he panicked.

He panicked way too much, and after quickly thanking Elena for letting him spend the night, he fled that place as fast as he could, without actually waiting for Draco to get up and without checking on him. But fleeing didn't help him by the slightest bit, and throughout the two following weeks, the only thing he could think about was the infuriating and beautiful and silver-eyed Draco Malfoy. Draco had been on his every waking moment, and on his ever dream ever since.

Harry kept wondering how he was, if he was feeling better, if he was recovering properly. He kept writing notes to send either to Draco or to Elena, asking all that, only to end up crumpling them, unsatisfied with every word he wrote. It always seemed either far too much, or just too little.

Elena did send him some updates on how Draco was doing, and Harry's heart started to await eagerly for an owl to show up to the window of his office. But they only came every two or three days, and that was hardly enough. So, in order to distract his troubled mind and force it out of the loophole of only thinking about Draco Malfoy, he tried to focus on their case, but the outcome was no better. Mainly because he was investigating Draco's mother.

Finally, Harry decided to try Elena's advice, and talk to someone. She had suggested Andromeda or Molly, and Harry knew that both would listen to him, but he decided to go talk to Hagrid instead. It just felt natural to talk to Hagrid about his personal problems. Hagrid had also always been there for him, and it had been a great decision. Last night had been the third visit that Harry made to his small hut on the previous two weeks, and over those three visits Harry had unburned so many things that he already felt incredibly lighter. They talked mostly about the war, about the guilt that Harry always carried, and about the things keeping him from truly moving on. On the first two visits Harry was very determined to not talk about Draco Malfoy, but last night, Harry found out he couldn't avoid talking about Draco anymore.

And then, to his greatest surprise, after talking about Draco for hours to Hagrid, when he was about to leave, he found the very same Draco Malfoy half-drunk in the outskirts of Hogwarts, looking absolutely devastated again, leaning against a tree and drinking. The look on his face had so much pain that Harry could not force himself to leave him like that.

Harry had stared at Draco for several minutes, without knowing what to do, or how to approach him. Then luckily Minerva appeared out of nowhere to greet him and invited him over to go say hello to Draco, telling him that Draco came to visit Hogwarts frequently as well. Harry followed her without thinking, feeling a desperate need to see Draco again and finally having an excuse to do so.

The problem was that at this point, every single interaction he had with Draco Malfoy messed up with his head a bit more. And that talk last night, with both of them resting against the same tree, shoulders brushing, sharing firewhiskey and memories and stories about themselves... The way that Draco's eyes sparkled under the flickering yellow lights of Hogwarts... The soft smile on his lips when Harry sat down beside him... Everything! It was crazy, it seemed that Harry had been living inside some dream.

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