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A new morning a new hope that... Something good will happen.

Do u still have a hope avi..?!

I shook my head shutting off my thoughts. Today I want to be a little stress free cuz my little pie needs me, my only family who I can call my own without even having any blood relation needs me and I will give my thousand and one percent more to keep them happy. They have to move on. Dada and didu had abhi to take care of. He is enough trouble to them. I don't want to stress them more.

I quickly finished my morning business and went downstairs to have breakfast. I halted near the dining table listening a small voice which brought a smile in the morning.

" I want Chachi to feed me breakiee today.." my little pie abhinav said cutely to didu. He couldn't pronounce big words this it's breakiee for him not breakfast. Chuckling I went behind him and said " if my little pie want me to feed him why won't I...?" I hugged him from behind and smothered all kisses on his face. He started giggling bringing some what peace to my all agonist heart.

" Chachi... Abhi missed u" he said kissing me on my cheeks and hugging me from his little hands.. I went all aww.... " Chachi missed abhi too.. my little pie" I said quickly picking him up and made him sat on the dinning table.
" Thank god avi. U came or else this little devil throwing so many tantrums" didu said shaking her head and sighing out loud.
" Oh di I came now right. I will look in to this little pie. U don't worry... " I said taking his breakfast from her hand and started feeding him.
" U aren't going to office today?" Dada asked me sitting on the head chair and eating his breakfast. " Naah..!! Today it's abhi's and his Chachi days dada.. we both gonna hangout full day today.. " I said flicking this boy nose with my forefinger. He immediately started squealing and I had to drop the bowl of his breakfast on the table to stop him from shouting.

" It's us time today Chachi..! Abhi loves u.." he said cutely... " Junior abhi Chachi loves u too..." I said him laughing a little. Since dada and abhinav both has abhi has their Nick names thus we came with the idea of calling dada senior abhi and my pie junior abhi. Firstly dada showed a tantrum saying he isn't old to call senior but later he got used to it.. mostly only di calls them with senior and junior abhi. We all dada and abhinav as abhi or little pie.

" Are u going to the hospital?" Dada asked me narrowing his eyes. " Yes" I said forgetting the surroundings and moving back to the day where I heard the worst news of my life ever... The worse day...

It's after a week of abhi's first birthday. Everything is perfect and everyone are happy. We were sitting on couch and enjoying with abhinav and waiting for siddu. He went attend an important business meeting and is returning back from Indore. He just message me saying he is heading back to Mumbai and taking the flight what I didn't expect is after a few hours a call from the Indore police officers that siddu met with an accident while going to the airport and is currently admitted in the hospital. The accident was huge and it damaged the car completely. The driver died on the spot and siddu hit his head badly. We immediately rushed to Indore. Never in my life I felt hell before but that 2 hours of journey. I experienced hell and much more than that..  after going to the hospital. Dada went to have a talk with the police. Me and didu along with abhi were waiting for the operation to complete. After a  hour or so the doctors came outside from the operation theatre and we trio rushed towards the doctor.

Jai and Reem were in abroad since they married recently and are currently in their honeymoon noone want to disturb them from their happy life so we didn't tell them yet.

" How's my brother doctor..?!!" Dada asked impatiently. So was I and di. None of us have any patience left in us and we can't here any other bad news from him and hoping for something good or atleast a positive response from him but his words crushed all my hopes drastically..

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