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Avneet's pov

Life has finally got in to a track... Happy family, healthy relationship and heavenly life.

Though before everything is going on too but still there would be a void in my life and a pain in my heart as a little part of my mind used to think about my dad always but ever since the recoil between me and dad. I felt like the most happiest person alive in the whole damnn world. Nothing ever gave me this much of happiness and peace ever.

I don't say that, I and dad are having the best time and best moments but we are trying to improve our relationship. Since now only I left for them to show all the love, he didn't hesitate to tell and shower me with love and pampering but still there were few awkward situations which I want to vanish as soon as possible.

And then, there comes this man, love of my life may be love for this life and all my other lives too... Siddu, I don't know what much of favour I did or what a good deed I ever did in my past life that. He entered my dark life and coloured it with all the bright colours with all his love,care and assurance. The moment his eyes locks with mine. I feel like the whole world is just so small and the feeling I feel whenever I am around him is so intense filled with warmth. I don't want anything but I want all this to be for a lifetime.

Currently, all the wedding arrangements are done and we are going to get married tomorrow. It feels strange but at the same time it gives me chills because from tomorrow I will be officially Mrs. Avneet Siddharth Nigam. Though I am living with him for more than two years as of now but now, I will be his legally wedded wife and rightfully his better half. All this gives me shivers down my spine and a chills around my body yet, I want all this to happen.

The wedding is a indo-western fusion theme. It's like happening the Indian wedding only but just there will be the addition of few vows and along with few western cultures like walking down the aisle and throwing a flower bouquet after the wedding. The idea was given by didu and immediately everyone liked the idea and went for it and all the preparations and decorations are done and all we need to do is just wait for tomorrow. That's it.

"Ready to be called as Mrs. Nigam ma'am??"

A voice broke me from my thoughts and I smiled recognising the voice.

"As ready as I can ever be Mr. Nigam"
I told him smiling softly.

"You know, from tomorrow we are going to share the same room,same house, same... "
He stopped speaking looking mischievous and with a teasing glint in his eyes. I raised a eye brow and

"And same...?" I said continuing him to speak.

He came close to me and whispered slowly in my ears. "Same bathroom."

As soon as his words filled my ears  a huge red cue covered whole my neck and immediately my face heated up.

"What do you mean?" I whispered nervously not knowing what to say.

"Nothing,baby. Just enlightening you what's going to happen from tomorrow..?"

This guy. I can't believe he is the same man I fell in love with. That siddu would never speak in this way but this siddu speaks about all the dirty things and stuff and also here the main thing is I also don't want him to stop. Someday I will crazy because of him.

You're already crazily in love with him.

That I already know. Thanks for the information. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"You have gone mad"  I told him shaking my head.

"I am mad for you" he flirted with his famous boyish smile.

"Siddu, you're unbelievable" I widened my eyes looking at the way he is openly flirting with me.

"I too still can't believe that we are getting married tomorrow."

What's with him today... I moved my face away from his eyes and looked down playing with my fingers nervously. It's really hard to believe that we are getting married.

"Me too" I whispered cautiously. He took hold of my hands and held my hands in his and started caressing them.

"But it's true, Avneet.we are really getting married tomorrow. It's honesty feels like a dream for me too but I am very glad that it's not. I love you and you love me and after all the hurdles finally we are here... Ready to chase all the problems and hurdles from hereafter together."

I smiled and I honestly felt for the hundredth time or may be more  that I am truly blessed to have him in my life.

"I don't know whether there will be any other words for the way I feel towards you, what I feel for you. It's beyond the most purest form of I love you. "

As soon as I finished saying I saw his lips stretched into a wide smile and eyes twinkling with a happiness and a sheen layer of moist.

"You have become the reason for me to live"

A simple sentence but it created a full excitement in my heart and my stomach and body churned with happiness or I don't even know what this feeling is.

I moved my face close to his and pecked his lips before actually kissing him. He smiled before kissing me back and it was all soft and smooth just like a promise to always be with eachother through all the up and downs.

Suddenly we heard the sound of opening the door and we immediately pulled apart and looked at the door to see who it was and it's none other than. Reem...

I smiled happily and immediately rushed towards Reem to hug her pushing siddu out of my way. He scoffed but I ignored him and hugged her.

Godd!!! I missed her. In all the times I felt low all I thought was I need her to talk with her but I didn't want to disturb her but now after seeing her here in my wedding. I felt much more satisfied than anything.

"I missed you, Reem" I hugged her tightly and I felt her tighten the grip too.

"I missed you too, girl" she said happily before pulling off and we looked at eachother and started laughing. Siddharth looked at us bewildered. I think he may be wondering what has suddenly happened to us.

"Hello, Siddharth. How are you.?" Reem went towards him and he side hugged her and patted her shoulder before pulling away and said a small fine.

"I am so happy to see you both together finally."

Her eyes held the honesty which showed in her words. We looked at eachother and smiled looking at her. He took hold of my hand and held it softly. I smiled silently at his small and sweet gesture. This small things fills my heart with warmth.

"I think I interrupted something before. Didn't I?"  She asked wiggling her eye brows teasing softly. A blush covered my face and Siddharth started looking here and there.

"Has jai has come too. Where is that idiot. Didn't even come to meet me?"

As soon as saying this he went out probably to meet Jai Bhai I think.

I took Reem in to my bed and started filling her with all the details which she doesn't know and with a smile and little excitement with nervousness I slept the night hoping for a new tomorrow and happy start.

That's for the day...
I am so sorry for the late update.
I was super busy with college and stuff and now, I finally got the free time.

I actually thought off completing the wedding without any details but then I got the idea of indo-western wedding and I immediately write this one.

Next one will be full of fun and vows.

Are you all ready...???

With the next part,it will be a wrap up for #woys2.

Hope you all loved this book as much as I loved writing this.

Checkout my next book in my profile if you guys haven't.
Intro will be updated tomorrow..

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