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That's what happened in the last 2 years. From that day I never tried to contact them. Doctors told us that it may be months or years to siddu to come back from coma. They said if we try to tell siddu all the good things that happened then there is a chance of him getting his conscious soon so from that day I completely immersed myself telling siddu all of our good times with family with me his childhood with his mother hoping he would gain his consciousness but everything went in to vain.

Currently I am in his room in the hospital holding his hand with tears in my eyes. Same day routine. Initially, after the accident and when he slipped in to coma. All day long I just sat here at the same place crying my heart out and asking and begging him to open his eyes which all went unheard by him. I just can't be myself when I see my life lying here,on a hospital bed.

Life is full of uncertainty...

I held his hand tightly and continued talking to him.

"You remember siddu.. the day before you went to Indore and met with an accident. That was the last day I heard your confession and I still remember it freshly....


Siddu is leaving tomorrow to Indore for a meeting most probably he will be back by midnight or a day after may be.. but after our love confession and after us finally together we never went out of city let alone we never went out without eachother. Siddu being siddu all moody and gloomy telling how much he misses me tomorrow.

"You don't know avi, I will miss you so much tomorrow from the time being I sit myself in the plane and after I land there and in the meeting hall too. My eyes would always search for your eyes there but sadly you won't be there with me tomorrow... " He pouted just like a small baby. My smile grew widely. I kissed his cheek and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Stop it siddu. It's like you are saying me a good byee. Besides it's just 3 hour plane or so and the meeting, it's important you need to attend it and besides you should be habitual of me not being around for sometime. Who knows what may happen in the future.. what if I die or some- "

My words got cut by he lips against mine. This wasn't a kiss of love or promise like the other kisses we had. This kiss was full of hunger which we had for eachother and he just nibble his lips with mine by pressing them and biting them harshly which caused me to moaned aloud in his mouth and before I knew his tongue entered my mouth and explored every corner of it and myself trying to match his pace but who let's me win. This guy always dominates not that I complain though...

I like him being all dominant and touchyy! We pull apart gasping for air. I try to fill my lungs with as much air as possible after this earth-shuttering kiss.

"You,love, if once again talk about death again then the punishment will be much more than this and I won't even promise you to be gentle and sweet it will be more rough and wild" came his husky voice which sent shivers down my spine and made a red cue on my cheeks but instead of shying away I decided to reply him back...

"Oh..!I like that punishment of yours.. why not execute it then..? " I whispered in his ears making sure my lips touch his earlobe. His heartbeat increased rapidly just like mine and looks like a shiver ran down his spine too.. I love the effect I have on him just like the way he has on me...

"You, wildcat getting bold now. Are we?" He said kissing my jaw and continued kissing me till the cheekbone. I moaned and tilted my head a little giving more access to all the sweet tortures he's doing me and I pretty sure know that I need a concealer to hide all the marks which he gives not that it's new though...!

His lips touches my skin and he bites it there making me hiss and then slowly starts sucking the same spot making me moan his name again...  And he brings his lips to mine and we kiss again unlike the previous kiss this kiss is full of gentle and sweetness. It's like he's telling me that to take care of myself tomorrow and he will be always there for me no matter what and it's always and forever. I gave him all the time to kiss me and after what seems like ages we pulled apart and he kept his forehead on mine and pulled me closer even if that's possible taking the way that I am on his lap. I don't even remember how we ended up here as far as I know we were sitting beside eachother holding hands.

" You stay fine tomorrow. Don't get yourself in any trouble by trying to save others" he said kissing my forehead. Something he does after kissing me on my lips and trust me I love his forehead kisses more than the kisses he gives on my lips. I smiled slightly

"You says as if I get in to trouble intentionally" I said pouting sadly.
"You, my love puts others before you and that what makes you fall in to trouble and I won't say you to be selfish cuz I like you just like you but I suggest you be little alert since I won't be with you tomorrow to bring you back" he said tucking a hair strand behind my ear and smiling at me. I chuckled shaking my head.
"Gosh! Siddu.. it's like I am in school and you are my mother who is telling me about do's and don'ts while it's my first day in my school" I said laughing a little.
"Shut up and come let's sleep.. "

Saying that he picked me up and laid on his bed pulling me to himself. He kissed my crown and before I slip in to deep slumber I hear a faint 'i love you,avi' . Knowing pretty who it was I smiled and slept.


"Only if I know that it is going to be my last sleep with peace without any use of sleeping pills or drugs then I would never wake up again siddu. I always kept a hope that you will wake up siddu I kept faith in us that atleast for our love you will open your eyes and will look at me and says that 'i am here' but days are changing so easily siddu it's been 1 year 4 months and 19 days of you lying here being unconscious.

Does giving me pain makes you happy siddu?? I can't able to see you like this anymore, it's hurting me seeing you like this lifelessly. I need my siddu. You hearing me siddu..? I need you just like a human being need air,water and food for the sake of living. I need you without you I will be like a dead scope, I am being the same now too it's like I became a robot siddu. I stopped showing my emotions, I sleep deprived, I started taking pills again to sleep. My eyes wants to meet your eyes again... My hands are etching to be held by your hands and my hairs are fighting to play with your fingers. My neck and mouth wants their tortures by your lips. I want to live again siddu with emotions just like the 1 year we lived while being lovers now if you wake up let's again live as more than lovers like a married couple, like a husband and wife. Plss siddu, wake up for my sake. Siddu plss..."

Tears started coming out from my eyes and I can't sit here anymore and stood up to go back and cry my heart out inside the car.

Just as I was about to go a tug on my hand held myself back widening my eyes not being sure I looked up to see a set of hazel brown eyes looking at me and a hand holding my hand.

Meet you'll soon
I hope

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