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I just stood there numb not knowing what to do and thinking is it a dream or reality? Is he really opened his eyes and looking at me. Tears brimmed in my eyes realising he indeed opened his eyes and is looking at me. I immediately rushed out and called doctor. He left inside saying that he need to check up and while I called dada...

"Hello avu, what happened? " He said  "dada.. siddu woke up" I stammered a little and he quickly hang up the call may be running to come to the hospital.

I am sitting on a chair waiting for the doctor's to come out of that bloody room. My siddu gained his consciousness and I have to be with him but these bloody doctors don't even understand anything. They don't value anything like feelings and emotions. It's been half-an-hour. Godd!!! Till now I waited I waited so much for him cuz there was a hope that he will wake up and I trusted our love. I kept faith on it that it will only unite us and make us one and right now since he woke up. I couldn't have patience anymore

Dada and didu rushed towards me along with abhi. "Where's he?!" Dada asked impatiently. I can say from there faces that they are shocked and happy at the same time. It reflecting in their face and may be mine also reflecting the same. " Doctors are checking him" I informed them. Didu sat beside me with abhi on her lap but dada just stood outside the door trying to look inside. I smiled looking at his eagerness to see his brother. Siddu is more than a brother to dada.

After a few minutes doctors came out from the room and we rushed towards them. "What happened doctor?! How's my brother. Can we meet him?! Is everything alright?!" Dada started asking them questions not giving them time to answer. They all looked at eachother before finally looking at all three of us. "Mr. Nigam " the main doctor started with not much happy tone and by his tone I guessed that something was wrong. " What it is doctor?" I asked directly staring at them. They looked surprised first but then the main doctor who was also treating siddu from last 1 year sighed and told " it's a great news that he finally came back from his coma but we are very sorry to say that he lost his memory."


That's what I felt after hearing him. Shock would be an understatement for the situation right now I have been. I looked at both of them and they are also showing the same expression as mine. " What do you mean" didu asked slowly or more like whispered but the atmosphere here is so silent that her whisper was  heard by everyone here.
"In most of the cases after the patient wakes up from coma the patient may suffer from short term memory loss or long term memory loss so that's why we ran a few tests on him and it turns out to be the later case. He suffered from long term memory loss. The main things he remembered as of now is his name and few of his family details like his brother and his mother other than that he didn't remember anything" the doctor explained us clearly.

" Is there any chance of him getting to know the truth?!" I asked them. " We are sorry but in most of the cases if we try to tell the truth or if we force the patient to remember anything again then there is a chance of him going back to coma again or mostly death so I think it's better if we let him be himself as of now Mrs. Nigam" 

Clarity. What he meant is that if I ever try to come in front of siddu or try to tell what or whom I am to him may lead to danger. I don't want him to go back to coma or may be die both are not possible for me and without him, I lived more than 1 year right?! Then I think I can live my life without him. I looked at dada and didu. They didn't have to suffer because of me. They loved and treated siddu more than as their own child. They deserved to be with him.

"Dada and di you both come back after meeting him. I will be waiting in the house." I informed them slowly. They both looked at me like I am some type of alien but I know they need to see him first. " Don't you want to see him avu? More than us you have been waiting for this day for so long. Now as of the day came why are you going back?" Didu asked me. I shook my head slowly.

"Ofcourse! I was waiting for this day for long and I prayed everyday to God to bring him back. But he don't remember me and if I go and tell him now that I love you and you loved me and then again you should love me then I will become more of a burden to him and by seeing me he will try to remember something related to me or related to us. I don't want any of it to happen. You both be with him. I will wait for you in the mansion and as of now he is completely fine and alive that's more than enough for me to be happy. " I told them and without waiting for anything turned back and started driving. I stopped the car on a deserted road and stepped down.

After listening and seeing everything I especially need sometime to process what everything had ever happened. I kneel down on the road and closed my eyes soonly water drops started pouring on me and I realised that its started raining and my eyes also gave up because they also started pouring down like waterfalls.

Siddu woke up from coma.
He looked at me and held my hand and then
He lost his memory and don't remember me
And most importantly he is alive.

I kept faith on you God. I believed you. How much of pain does you want me to go through. What have I ever done to you. Is my life only a big mistake or its sin for me to be happy. Is it a nightmare then please someone wake me up. I don't have enough courage to hold up myself and be strong and trying to smile and also faking to everyone that I am happy and I am ok... I am definitely not okay my condition is worst, terrible and anything except being good. Does anyone thought of taking a movie and scripted everything up and failed to inform me or failed to inform me so that emotions come up really...

Call  me mad or crazy anything right now but I don't really know what's happening in my life right now not now I don't know what happening in my life form last 1 year. Keeping all these thoughts aside. I stood up and started driving back to the mansion. I straightly went to my room and took a shower and came out and looked around this is actually siddu's room and I moved here after our proposal and when he told that there need to be someone to hold me up when I get some nightmares and as of now that siddu don't remember anything I think I should move out of this room which I think is very hard then I think. I went downstairs and saw that dada and didu arrived. I smiled and went towards them.  "How's siddu?" I asked trying to sound happy. They both looked at eachother and then "he is fine" dada replied "doctors told that we can bring him back tomorrow"didu completed. And I think I need to tell them. "Dada I think I should move out."

As soon as I told them they both looked them bewildered. " Where do you want to move out avu?" Didu asked me angrily. I sat beside her and " di see siddu don't remember me and I can't stay here and also you guys told that he will be discharged tomorrow and I don't think it's a good idea of me and him being under the same roof while I still can't get over him and he don't even remember me. " I tried reason out them that why I want to move out but they both shook their heads in denial. "Avu, you are our sister and more than sid you have to be here. You want or don't want you are staying here and not moving out and as for sid I think we will deal with him and we will tell him why you are staying here. You can be here as vaishu's sister." Dada said sternly. "But-" I tried to oppose but didu cut me off rudely " what? You still want to get away from me. Atleast be here for the sake of my junior abhi. He loves you so much and if he won't see you for a day they he will change this home in to a mess"

I nodded as a ok. I can be here for the sake of my Abhinav. " But I should change my room that's actually siddu's room and after looking at my things in his room tomorrow I am sure he will through a fit that who's staying in his room. " I said them chuckling and they both too chuckled and said that they will inform maids to shift my luggage to another room in the same floor.

After having my dinner I came to my new room and started writing everything I felt and then soon enough I laid down and slept.

The next morning. I think dada and di already left to the hospital to bring siddu back they told me that I can come and they will introduce me as Didi's sister but I can't see him like that he brings me so many memories that the far I stay away from him the more it will be easy for me and my livelihood. I came down and sat on the couch and started checking few mails sent my the team on the new ongoing project.

"Who are you?"

Double update?!

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