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Early update?!
Hell yesss.

Avneet's POV

I opened my eyes to see a chest where my head was lying and I am literally laying completely on siddu. My upper half body was on his where as he is holding my waist tightly and our legs are entangled with each other.

Only I know how much I dreamt for this day from last 2 years. How much I yearned to be in his arms. How much I carved for his touch and how much I wanted to be with him.

Last night events came rushing back to me. How I woke up after having a nightmare and how he handled me and how I yelled his name and how much he ensured me that he is fine and he was fine.

(Gosh! So many how's. Lol!!)

"Stop staring ". I jerked up from my thoughts after hearing his voice. I looked at him widening my eyes.
"You are awake" I stated looking horrified.

He opened his eyes and damn those hazel brown eyes. I am so so doomed than before. He pulled me towards himself and kept his face in the crook of my neck. His breath hit my neck and goosebumps erupted in my whole body. I gasped slowly. I am feeling alive right now and happy. A small smile came across my face.

"How did you come here?" I asked him after sometime. He didn't answer anything. I thought he slept again but he removed his face from my neck and looked at me. I looked at him in his eyes and they reflected only pain and hurt. It confused me.

He woke up and sat on the bed and I too sat beside me and I looked at him.

"I am sorry avi" he whispered softly. Confusion evolved whole my face listening his apologize.
"What happened siddu?" I asked him. He just pulled me towards himself. I wondered how did he get so much comfortable with me when he doesn't remembers anything. I just shook off that thought for now.
" you are having nightmares avni" he stated slowly and I realised that he was there with me in the night and may be that's why he slept beside me. I just kept mum not knowing what to say.

"And that's because of my absence. You don't know what it is making me feel knowing what my absence did to you and how much your life changed because of it and knowing that it is due to-". I immediately cut him off and shakes my head in no.

"It's not because of you siddu. Nothing was because of you. It's just the situation and yes what all I suffered is because of your absence and you can pay for all of it by staying with me from now all the time. You know make it up by staying by my side 24/7 365 days as not even the death can separate us" I said looking at him smiling. He just stared at me. Lovingly and with a spark in his eyes.

He pulled my face closely and I closed my eyes anticipating for what next. He kissed my forehead making sure to stay his lips for the time more than required. I smiled cherishing this moment.

"I always feel blessed to have you, just be my side for now and forever " he whispered slowly near my lips. His lips touching mine whenever he speaks. I took a deep breath because suddenly I am feeling the urge to kiss him. I looked at him playfully.

"You know, you don't need to voice it out loud. I will be clinging to your side forever now even if you want me to stay away" I teased him playfully. He looked at me and hit my forehead with his and got up.

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