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That's what being from the past 20 minutes. Didu and I looked at eachother and I sighed. The tension in the air can be felt by all of us. Even by abhi that today now presently he without any mischief was silently sitting beside dada and playing with a marvel toy.

Currently we all are sitting in the living room. This morning don't know why siddu called all of us and made us sit on the couch in the living room and now it's been more than 20 minutes that he isn't speaking anything just glaring at all of us. I don't know why but looking at his face it seems like he knows what he doesn't need to know.

"Chote, will you tell. What happened? What does you need to talk with us?" Dada asked finally breaking the silence even di nodded along with him. "Dada, I think it's the other way round. I think no actually you people should tell me what happened cuz since the minute I woke up and from the time I stepped inside the house. I feel suspicious. Firstly you both are behaving with me like trying to hide something from me then this Ms. Kaur. Who after seeing me she stood there shocked and was trying hard to believe that I am alive " he said each and everything in such a cold tone and glaring at each of us that I now feel that I need just to dig a hole and bury myself alive then listening to him knowing very well that where it's leading too... I know he is smart and he will get suspicious but I didn't think that he will catch everything this soon. I didn't expect this from him at all.

I now know why people call him ruthless, arrogant and hard-core. He is really a very hard nut to crack. We all just looked at eachother obviously not knowing what to tell him.
"I think you people won't open your mouth. Okay then I will speak more.. when I first entered inside the house I saw Avneet with a blank and  full of tears in her eyes then only I started doubting her why does someone will get tears by just looking at a person. I just shrugged it off but then she called you dada. Dada, I know how much possessive you are about that one and more than you I am more obsessed over that word. I remember very well that during our childhood days only I used to call you that and you used only allow me call you like that but when Avneet calls you like that. You reacted normally, I shrugged off that too. But champ is calling her as Chachi. That's where I couldn't shrug it off I started to know more. "

And he took a pause still staring at me only. I looked at him shockingly. I don't want this happen atleast not this soon. It's not even a week he is up from coma. I don't want him to go back again. I can't loose him again. This all feels so wrong at the same time so right that now I don't even understand that whether should I stop him to know the truth and reality or to let him know what we are and whom I am...

"And at the dinning table yesterday you told me that she is being through so much. What does that sentence meant. I couldn't ask any of you for information. So I started with a new way. I called arob my private investigator and asked him about all the information of Avneet Kaur and there I got to know that bhabhi and she are no way related. They are not sisters and they no where related by blood. Bhabhi met her for the first time when she came for the interview in our company for the fashion designing department. And I can't ask him anything further knowing that you all knew about something I am not aware of and you are trying to hide it from me but let me tell you, you people are good at acting but very bad at hiding things. " He completed

I just sighed. He came to know not completely but he knows. That isn't acceptable at all. I know we all didn't try to hide anything from him. We just kept him unaware of few truths. I somewhere know both are same but they are not. Cuz lieing and hiding the truth both are different. Situation is getting out of control that I don't know what to do. Honestly, we all don't know what to do.

"Now  will anyone from the trio tell me what is happening here. Who is this Avneet Kaur to me. How she became more than a sister to you dada? And where does she really belong too.? "  He continued but none of us opened our mouth.

I don't want this to happen. I thought eventually after his health will get to normal. I will make him fall for me and make him love me cuz he don't have any other choice other than falling for me because I am not a choice. I am the one and only option for him. We both are destined to be together.

"She is Avneet Kaur." Dada started and I looked at him unbelievably. It's not the right time to tell him. I immediately shook my head in no. "Dada no -" but I was cut off by dada.

"No avu, let him know. His very curious when he needs to know something. "Dada continued. "But it's not the right time. He is still under medication. His health gets affected. Plss no" I tried the last time in a hope that they will listen to me.

"I am perfectly alright and let me tell you Avneet. If I don't get know everything now then it affects me more than you think" he stated sternly and I just closed my eyes and held my faces in my hands as I lost my last hope.

"Avneet faced alot since her childhood. It's not our place to tell you because in the past you both were madly in love and she told you everything about her past her trauma which we both also exactly don't know about then you started helping her out with your care and love. Eventually, you both fell in love and were going to marry in 3 months but then you met with the accident and slipped in to coma for more than a year and she faced through hell and more than in your absence but her love or your love made you wake up from coma in front of her eyes only and you held her hand and looked at her only after opening your eyes then after a check up doctors informed us that you got retrograde amnesia and forgot about everything except of our few childhood memories and all.
So doctors told us that if we try to tell you about your past then you will get a major head ache and there also chances of you slipping in to coma again, we don't want to take any risk so we thought it's better if we hide everything from you. " Dada completed.

He just sat there with his oh so famous emotionless face trying to believe everything dada said while tears started rolling down my eyes uncontrollably. I didn't know that I faced so much and I did so much but when dada is telling everything I just had a backup going inside my head that from the beginning what I went through.

Since the day I born. I lacked father loves then Ritu di hated me then Rahul wanted me and I ran away from all of them to start a new life there I met vaishu didu and then this amazing family and my love siddu. Who made me fall for him by his sweet and caring side then just as I thought everything is perfect he met with an accident and my life again took a 360° turn breaking everything and me falling apart again.

I didn't cry harder just tears flew outside my eyes. That's it, but a groan made me snap my head upwards and I looked at siddu who is now clutching his head tightly. We all rushed towards him and I kneel down infront of him and held his knees and started shaking him.

"Siddu siddu.. what happened? Are you okay? Siddu.. " I asked panicking and before any of us could do anything.

He fainted.

Cliffhanger it is again!
Let me tell you I love this Siddharth Nigam who is a hard nut to crack... 
Poor avu went through alot!

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