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Siddharth's pov

Tears pooled in my eyes too, watching love of my life crying and sobbing in her mother's arms and hugging her as if she is the most scared person in the whole world and she doesn't want to leave her mother. Never.

My decision of bringing her here had raised a doubt that whether the reunion or the meet will be successful or not..? But looking the scene infront of me is enough to say that it is much more successful then any other deal which I have made so far although this isn't actually the deal or a business meeting.

This takes me back to a flashback where the meeting took place with her father.


I reached the Nanda industries and made my way inside along with my PA

And there stood Mr. Amandeep nandra in his suit all ready for the professional meeting. Though he may be around 65-70 years still he is intact and his white hairs which are well set backwards with gel just proved all my thoughts correct that indeed he is a tough nut crack back I had anyways came prepared for everything and anything.

"Good morning Mr. Nigam" he stood up and held his hand out for the handshake. I shook my hand with him and replied. "A good morning to you too Mr. Nandra and please call me Siddharth, you're of my father's age."

He just smiled and mumbled a small ok. His smile looks so professional and fake like he had practiced to smile like that for years or may be I am looking so much. I shook my head to clear off things and started the meeting.

After the meeting I accepted to invest in his business and he looks genuinely happy by it.

"I wanted to ask something sir.can I?" I asked him unsurely because I know the next I ask the question which I anyways going to ask he would storm away from here or else would throw me away from here and I don't want any of the above to happen.

Precaution is better than cure. Avneet doesn't like if she gets to know that the main purpose of coming here was to meet her dad. So I was cautioned to not do any mistake.

"Ask Siddharth. You don't need any permission" he said smiling. It did encourage me a little. I nodded and took a deep breath before actually telling him everything.

"I am Siddharth Nigam"

He chuckled slowly to my statement and said "that I already know"

I shook my head slowly.

"Husband of Avneet"

Avneet told me that when I was hospitalized and she met them and told them that she is my wife so I wanted to let it continue so I told him about her and I don't think I need to tell him who Avneet is right..? If he forgot then he would face the worse of me... no one will be as bad as me.

Immediately all the smiling face turned in to angry one and he glared at me and damnnnn for a old age person of age 70 years his glares are so hard. If looks could kill I would be 6 feet down the ground by now.

For Avneet, for avi.

I kept mentally chatting myself to gain strength and fisted my hands.

"So finally you're the one who she married. Didn't expect it to be you" he smiled sarcastically and rage filled my eyes and I clenched my jaw and fisted my already fisted hands that my knuckles turned white by now but I didn't care of it.

"What do you mean?" I asked him bewildered by his sarcastic comment.

"She did tell us that she was married and living happily but how did she caught you in her life. What she had-"

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