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Author's pov

The Nigam empire is in its regular form. Employees working like they are going to loose their jobs if they won't do their work. So many clients waiting for the appointment of the company's hr and managers to start a new project and new apps and all in all everyone are busy in their own bubble when suddenly a black mercedes benz car stopped exactly at the entrance of the gate. Security knowing very well who it may be rushed to open the car door and when they opened the car door they got the shock of their lives.

(Exaggerated?! Bear with it. Your author lost her sanity)

Their stood the chairman and the CEO of the India's biggest company.

Mr. Siddharth Nigam.

To say shock would be an understatement of the people present in the reception. They all are bewildered. Noone thought all of their boss would come back to the company today.

Siddharth's pov

I got down from the car and stood infront of the company which I made with my own hardwork. Though I don't remember anything but still looking at the big entrance and the big bold letters of Nigam Empire. I feel nothing but happiness and satisfaction. I looked towards the security who stood their like he is seeing a ghost with wide eyes and open mouth. I just smiled at him and went inside in the company. Immediately a receptionist from the reception rushed towards me.

"Good morning, Mr. Nigam we are not informed of your arrival" she spoke in a professional tone keeping her shock aside. I just nodded my head at her and went inside the private elevator and pressed the button of top floor.

Before coming here Avneet and dada told me the required things of the company that where will be my floor, who is my PA and all information that is going on in the company and after that Avneet left in her own car saying

"It would be inappropriate siddu, let's keep professional life, professional and personal life, personal"

I am very mad at the way she told that so I should score some scores with her on that topic and I very well know how to do that. I smirked internally. My floor arrived and immediately after elevator door opened my PA who btw is Karan rushed towards my side may be the receptionist informed him. This floor consists of only my cabin and my PA's cabin. I looked around and everything is as the same way how I saw in the pictures and how dada said.

"Good morning sir" Karan greeted me cheerfully smiling widely. I nodded at him and smiled softly. He smiling face turned into a horrible face after seeing me smiling at him. I chuckled slowly looking at his expression.

Dada told me that I used to be so cold and expressionless with everyone and would speak only when it is necessary and that too only in monotonous voice. So I thought this time let's appreciate all of them with my smiles because they all are really working very hard.

"Karan, don't look at me like that" I said to him with a firm tone. He shook his head and I made my way into my cabin and opened it and a aura of dominance and arrogance spread in the cabin. Staring around, I made my way towards my chair and sat on it leaning back, making one leg across the other. Karan looked at me and smiled widely.

"Nothing,sir. We all waited for 2 years to see this day. Especially me, after you met with the accident. I thought I lost you and I sure missed working under you and receiving your orders but seeing you today again make me feel so happy and I feel more energetic than before" he smiled widely jumping up and down. I chuckled softly and nodded taking in his words which are full of respect and cheerful and also full of happiness.

"Back to work mode Karan, get me all the ongoing projects and assignment going on in our empire and arrange the board meeting with all our head departments informing my arrival and they need to show and tell me about their profits and projects going on in their particular departments along with the developments that happened in their firms from last two years and don't make any delay in ordering them to do that if they says no just fire and recruit another one in their place" I ordered coldly and he immediately switched to his professional mode and noted down everything which I told in his tab and nodded his head with a "yes sir"

"And bring me a black coffee and you may leave"

(Your author is so lazy to add up pics so just imagine them by yourselves. Plss, pretty plsss! )

While restlessly working for more than three hours with two cups of black coffee. My headache seems unbearable. I thought to take a break and stood up. I walked towards the glass wall which shows the entire city from here and just stared at it with nothing going on in my mind. I want to see avi but I just can't go and see her knowing very well that I am the boss here. Suddenly, I got an idea that if I can't see her as siddu. I surely can see her as Siddharth Nigam. I moved out of my cabin and went towards Karan and called him.

"Let's make a sudden visit to all the departments"
"But sir we already informed them about the meeting. Right? Then why visiting all the departments again??" He asked little unsurely and it did make some sense but how can I tell him that I want to see my err.... What are we basically!?

Friends? No way.

I want to be more than a friend to her

Boyfriend and girlfriend?! But I didn't ask her and she didn't ask me too..


Dude! You both weren't engaged for that..

Yeah! That's true. What are we actually...

"Sir sir"

I came back from my thoughts listening his voices. I glared at him and shouted "what"

Bro, I was trying to figure out what's mine and avi's relation and you just poke your nose in the middle. I rolled my eyes mentally.

"You have been just standing here for past five minutes completely zoned out and I had been calling you from last three minutes."

At his statement. I paled and tried to hide my embarrassment by walking away from him.

"Let's pay every department a sudden visit because I want to see the heads of the department and how is she" i whispered the last part to myself. Can't trust this PA of mine.

We reached elevator and he told me first we will go to the fashion department since it is closest to our floor and told the initial details of that head of the department.

Bro, you're wasting your energy, the girl and the head you're talking about is mine and I already know her so well and so much

I so wanted to yell those lines at him but sadly can't because of that certain girl who so wanted to keep our profile low.

The elevator pinged saying it reached the floor. I immediately went outside and I frowned seeing the scene unfolding infront of me.

This girl

And she says I am mature and grown up.

Cuz Avneet along with few staff members are playing with sketches and canvas along with crayons sitting on the ground laughing loudly.

As much as I am happy to see her laughing her heart out after witnessing her vulnerable state last night but knowing this isn't time to be this careless and can't able to maintain this unprofessional behaviour by all of them I just yelled

"What the hell is happening here?!"

Hellooo my lovelies,
My college starts from Monday
So I may not give update for the next week but
I will try my best to update this quickly.
I think you'll support me in this.

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Love you all!

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