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Siddharth's pov

I exited from there floor and went towards my cabin. I lost all the interest now.

"Is this how the company has been from last two years?" I asked karam coldly. He looked scared and worried at the same time.

"Sir, everyone here are always working only. All are disciplined but don't know how today ms. Kaur and her team were playing" he said and with that I left him there and went inside my cabin and sat on my chair.

I held my head in my hands. This headache is giving me a torture. I thought I can manage it but now I can't. I tried to indulge in work to overcome the headache but it isn't working. I called Karan and told him to bring me, my black coffee. He looked at me with a strange expression but nonetheless went to bring since I glared at him. I laid my head on the desk and closed my eyes.

Avneet's pov

I reached siddu's floor and saw Karan walking out and he looked worried.

"Hey Karan, what's wrong?" I asked him to know how's siddu mood. He looked at me for a minute.

"I don't know what's wrong with sir, he just now told me to bring a black coffee for him. It's his fifth coffee from morning"

I looked at him surprised. Fifth coffee? It's surely means he is either highly stressed or getting a terrific headache.

All my anger vanished and instead worry and concern took over me.

"Don't bring coffee for him and pls don't disturb us for half an hour" I informed him and without waiting for him I went inside and saw siddu lying his head on the desk.

I looked at him with concern. He needs to rest but look here sir is working and stressing himself unnecessarily but even if we all say him to rest. He won't listen to us at all.

I slowly walked towards him and pressed my fingers slowly in his hair and started caressing them. They are soft and silky like always. I always used to envy this guy's hair. He don't use anything but his hair still looks so soft and silky where as even if I use hundreds of haircare routine my hair after a day looks like a bird's nest.

Not the right time to discuss over this avneet!

I mentally scolded myself and massaged his scalp slowly. I felt his muscles slowly relaxing and I smiled feeling somewhat light for him.

"Avi" he whispered. I smiled and hummed. He looked from the desk and smiled and


Everytime I think I can't fall for him but he makes me falls for him even without his knowledge with his breathtaking smiles and his intense gaze.

"You shouldn't be stressing yourself much,siddu" I told him softly.

He didn't tell anything but kept staring at me. I tell you some day for sure I get a heartattack for the way he looks at me cuz everytime he looks at me like that my heart skips a beat or its heart race will increase much more than needed.

Suddenly, he pulled me on to his lap. I gasped loudly.

"We are in your cabin" I said loudly.
"Shhh" he kept his finger on my lips. Suddenly the urge to kiss him striked my mind and all our previous kisses kept repeating in my mind mentally.

A huge red cue marched on my face. This guy is so lucky. He doesn't remember anything so he can do anything but see here as I remember everything, blushing and shying cuz this scene repeated exactly in the past too.

"I am not lucky avi" he told me softly and I looked at him with wide eyes.
"Did I say that aloud?" I asked him slowly and he nodded his head. I mentally face palmed.

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