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Author's pov

The next day. Siddharth discharged from the hospital and they both reached home. Abhinavi looked at both of them. Their faces clearly showed some kind of peace. They were happy that atleast they are trying to come on terms to be with eachother again.

Their small eye contacts when they are with everyone. Their smiles while playing with abhinav and the way they are talking with their eyes. Abhinavi both watched it but choosed to be silent thinking it as the better option for now.

Currently they all are sitting on the dinning table having their dinner and chatting with eachother. Siddharth is trying to learn everything about his business so that he can join his office. Their company is doing pretty great even with the absence of the CEO and that's what he is really very proud of, no doubt all his employees are hardworking and courageous.

After dinner they all retired to their rooms but Siddharth left to his study to catch up few files and some old clients meetings and all. While going through the few mails sent from his private investigator. He came across a mail that had all the information about a person.

Rahul oberoi

Curiosity got the best in him and he opened the mail which his private investigator sent and it's almost like 2 years ago and he even already saw that mail but since he doesn't remember anything he reads that mail again.

Mr. Rahul oberoi
Son of Mr and Mrs. Vishal and sakshi oberoi
Late wife- Ritu Kaur nandra oberoi
Son in law of Mr. Amandeep nandra
Son- Amar oberoi (1 and half year old)

Industrialist and also a underworld mafia. Runs few illegal deals like drugs,human trafficking and cheating with girls in the form of love by trapping them for money. A very greedy and money minded person and his last Target was the daughter of a famous industrialist Mr. Amandeep nandra. Trapped his daughter in the name of love and married her and then killed her and framed it has an accident to get all the industries on his name and become the owner and also with this accident he earned the trust and sympathy from his Father-in-law and he made him as the chairman of all his industries and gave him all the money and power and his next Target was Mr. Amandeep's second daughter who is Avneet Kaur nandra and he wishes to marry her but she ran away before it could happen and till day there was no information about her whereabouts.

Siddharth just sat there frozen in his spot. During the start he don't know why did he asked his PI for information about that Rahul but at the end he got the answers not completely but it somewhere hit him that it's because of Avneet.

What happened to her? What happened to her because of Rahul?

So many thoughts surrounded his brain. That mail was around more than 2 years ago that means Rahul is still very much alive and his kid may be will be around 4 years now. But why did Avneet ran away from him? What made her run away from her life there and made her come here?

But he was sure of one thing that is till that day nobody found about Avneet's whereabouts and till today noone came for her that means in the past everyone made her hidden. They all protected her. That's for sure but why did they all protected her even he himself too why did he protected or still protecting her from..? He doesn't remember that and that thing is eating him up. Only if he remembers about all of his past, her past, their past.

He closes his eyes in frustration and rans a hand through his hair. He is getting mad and frustrated and if this continues then he for sure again faints. That shouldn't be happening so he closes his eyes for a second and takes a deep breath. His mind became somewhat calm but there was still restlessness in his heart for his loved one for her and he know only if he for once sees her than only he can able to feel peace.

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