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Avneet's pov

With him everything is possible. The kiss we shared back then in the home was beautiful and it has my heart. Kissing him again after almost two years made me feel like we are kissing for the first time again. I still very much remember the memory of our first kiss.

Flashback: (chapter 21 of warmth of your soul season 1  and it's in Siddharth's pov.)

Sid: u try to understand. Udk bhabhi and dada are crying for u day and night. Reem and jai are getting worried about u. I don't even want u to know what i am going through.....

She chuckled.

Avu: trust me. Siddu. I know how much u are going through as it's because of me only and also let me tell u even I am also going through the same being away from u.

I stared at her.

Sid: I love you.

I said. Idk if it's the right time to tell this or not but at that time. I just want to say her those words. She smiled with tears in her eyes.

Avu: I know and I love you too.....

She said kissing my forehead. I felt peace after along time.

Sid: plss come back avi. I can't able to live with out u. I started getting nightmares again.

Yes! It's true after she went missing I started getting nightmares again this time of her. She going away from me all those.....

Avu: If I come back then we need to fight siddu.
Sid: as long as u re with me I can fight against the world for u and with u.

She smiled and joined our foreheads.

Avu: let's get through this together.... If u are with me then I can do anything siddu.
Sid: never go away from me avi. It hurts. My heart aches for u avi. Plss....

I said feeling miserable. She kissed my forehead,nose,cheeks,chin.

Avu: I promise this time I won't go away from me as long as u tell me to go away from u.
Sid: that will never happen.
Avu: then I am not going away.

And we sealed our deal with our first kiss. It's slow yet passionate filled full with love.......

Flashback ends...

It is still alive in my memory but knowing that siddu doesn't remember anything makes me feel sad. I want him to remember everything about us. Our first meet,our first conversation,our first kiss and our many first's.

Now, we are going to the doctor's check up since its been two weeks and I want to get his check up done once.

We reached the hospital and doctors made few tests on  siddu and we are currently waiting for the reports in the doctor's cabin. The doctor came and he looked dejected.

"I am sorry Mr. Nigam"

We both looked at eachother and then siddu asked the doctor
"what happened doctor?"

"We are sorry to say this but you won't be able to remember anything about your past. It's fade away from you."

I widen my eyes hearing him.

"What do you mean doctor?" I asked him with a slight fear and in disbelief.

"It's true. Actually there will be few cases in retrograde amnesia that the victims won't able to gain their memory for life time and sadly Mr. Nigam's case is also one among them. So now no matter how much we try we can't able to bring his memory back. We just have to tell him about all the important matters about his past. That's it we can't do anything more than this."

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