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Siddharth's pov

Ever fell in love with the same person, twice?! As unreal as it sounds but I am feeling the same thing currently.

I don't remember a bit about my past and after I woke up from my coma knowing how much my family cried and were broken because of me made me feel guilty but now after realising and knowing that unknowingly someone who loved me who admired me and most importantly someone who considers me as their whole world before themselves made me feel so broken and irresponsible that I couldn't see a person crying for me, begging the god to bring her love,her soul back to her. I believe in God but not completely but now seeing the way how much avi cried,begged and pleaded the god bring me back in her life through prayers and all made me feel really blessed to have such a selfless and loving partner.

I just want to marry her and spent my whole life by just staring at her and loving her in a way no man can love his woman as much as I. This feels nothing but pure bliss and surreal.

After coming back from the company and having dinner just like a normal family with alot of chatters and laughs makes me feel complete. I and avi going to seperate rooms to sleep but I after sometime going back to her room to see her sleep and then reading her diary to see how much she endured my absence in her life and how happy and smiling she showed everyone despite how much her heart was shattering in to pieces and how much she is loosing her hope.

Her pain and her prayers and especially the way she written everything in her diary made me tearup and at the same time I can't stop myself from falling for her and admire and respect her.

Her selfless love is what made me fall for her again I felt so lucky to have her beside me and now I don't want anything but just her and my family standing beside me forever but knowing it still need sometime for everything to settle down made me feel a little dejected but I can manage by seeing her.

Till the time she wakes up again due to her nightmares. I have the time to read her diary and after she wakes up then I along with her go back to sleep with her in my arms safely and securely. That has became my routine lately.

Waking up and after fresh up and a little chit chat with the family going to office completing the work and in between having a conversation with avi and then coming back to house and playing with abhinav and then retiring to our rooms after dinner and then I silently sneaking in to avi's room and reading her diary and when she wakes up in the middle of the night just hugging her and making her sleep and me sleeping along with her. That's my routine from the past few weeks.

She written everything in her diary. About her past traumas and about her father and their conversation when I was admitted in the hospital. It's still hard to believe that actually that biological father of avi hate her so much and that bastard Rahul, I am gonna rip him in to two pieces. He cleverly cleared all the proofs by faking the accident of his late-wife.

Now what I wanted to do is just let that Rahul rot in jail and to never come out. So I am thinking a way to get him arrested and along with that I need to meet avneet's father to let him know what he missed in all these years and how much avi loves and misses him but for that I can't approach him directly so I made a appointment with him by telling his PA that I am interested in investing his business. So tomorrow is the meeting and I don't know what should I say to avneet to let her know that I am going outskirts.

She becomes so paranoid whenever I go out of city for meetings. That's not her mistake. She is just scared that I will get hurt again and she doesn't wants that. The fact that she is keeping my priorities and my feelings along with my family before her priorities and herself is itself making me feel special and cherry on the top she expressed her love to me in many ways even I want to tell her too. But I wanted this to be special for her just as how she makes me feel by her words and actions so I thought her meeting her father would be the best way. That's the main purpose of the meeting which is going to be held tomorrow.

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