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vneet's pov

The best feeling in the world is being in your mother's arms, in her embrace completely forgetting all the problems worries and everything in the world and just staying in her arms and seeking peace and happiness in her embrace. I feel this as the safest heaven and home. Ofcourse siddu is an exception though.

It justs makes me feel like I am the same little girl who's unknowingly trying to get her father's love and crying in her mother's embrace because she don't know why her dad isn't talking to her and not even acknowledge the presence of his very own daughter. I was distraught at that time. I was even depressed and even on the verge of dying but still he didn't glance my way.

I stopped thinking of my past and thought to just enjoy this moment being in my mom's arms after really really a very long time. I sighed and cocooned myself in her safe and unconditional lovely embrace. After what felt like years I slowly moved out of her arms and looked at my mom. She still is looking pretty just grown some age after few years and few wrinkles and white hairs on her head along with dark circles under her eyes she must be not sleeping from last few days due to some reasons which I knew she won't answer to me even though I would pester her so much. So I just did what I think would be the right thing.

I kissed her cheek and forehead and mumbled softly my voice coming with a little shake and clearly with a vulnerability.
"I missed you mumma". As soon as my words died a sob broke out from her throat that had been so heartbreaking that I couldn't do anything but just let her cry her heart out and let myself cry along with her.

Tears looks like never going to stop from my mother's eyes. Indian mom's I tell you. One second they are ready to throw you out of the house by their anger and the very next second they could cry their heart out if something happens to you. I think may be that's what the mother's unconditional, selfless, never ending love is... it will always be there for us, towards her child.

She calmed herself down and spoke.
"You don't even know how much I missed you,avu. After you meet us that day outside that temple i was so disturbed and depressed that I thought it was because of me why you were in that situation. I felt like a worst mother in the world where I am seeing my own daughter in pain and always crying from her childhood but still couldn't do anything expect being a silent spectator and just silently crying for you. I am so so sorry, meri bachaa. Because of me you were i-".

I cut her off not letting her complete that sentence.

"Maa, whatever I am today is whole and solely because of you only. I got your love and care for life time and if you're talking about the way you made me ran away from here then mom I should be so thankful to you and I will be grateful to you throughout my life for making me ran away that day because if I didn't run away that day then I would miss out the most amazing and important people of my life who I am currently calling as my family and my everything proudly and happily."

I said to her and looked at siddu. Who is already staring at me with a soft expression and a little smile on his face.

"For that I am truly happy for you. I have always prayed to God to give you best and all the love in the world and finally seeing you getting all the love and happiness. I am feeling so content." Saying so she kissed my forehead. I smiled.

"Also, there's actually something or like certain someone who wants to meet you."

I frowned in doubt not knowing what is that or more like who is that person? But maa without answering to anything just moved away and I looked siddu silently asking him who but he just shrugged indicating he doesn't know too. I turned again and my breath hitched seeing who's that person is.

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