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Avneet's pov

I just came to office today after explaining all the essential things to siddu and politely rejecting his offer to drive till here with me and coming here in the office I met with a scene of all my employees walking to and fro with a frown on their faces, not knowing the reason for their tension faces. I asked my colleague cum PA Riya.

"Riya, ye kya hai? Kya hua?"
She looked at me with a worried expression.
"Mam, the designs which we need to show to the Ramon textiles. All those designs are lost. Don't know who hacked our system and even the soft copies are stolen. We all are worried and don't know what to do know" she looked so scared while saying this. I got angry knowing how much this project is important for us.

Those Ramon's are mind eating creatures. Let me tell you, the last five months they ate all of our brains rejecting every best design of all our best designers by saying they all are not to their standards. Like, bro?? Standards.

I so wanted to tell at them by saying
"Even, you're also not to our company standards" but knowing how much it is so unprofessional I just kept mum and pleaded all my employees.

"What are we going to do know?" I asked noone in particular as Riya left as soon as she informed about the stolen work.

"All of you, come here right now" I yelled to all my employees and interns telling them to come infront of me. They all stood infront of me and stared at me.

Few looked scared,few looked worried,few looked bored like this stolen of work meant nothing to them. I just kept mum not knowing whom to show my frustration and anger.

"Bring all your sketches which you all draw for practice or leisurely and bring few of your canvas for sketching now along with all your necessary things which you may need for sketching and meet me exactly here in two mins. No tardiness or I will fire you without a second thought " I told all of them in a firm tone and entered my cabin. Took out my laptop and few of my sketches and few things before sprinting out and I saw almost everyone are there.

"So, as we don't have much time now to do all of those designs again. Try something new, don't at all take stress. Leave your mind openly and sketch whatever your heart desires. Take help from eachother and complete your look. All are equal here. So even interns can try this. Now all of you sit down and start your work"

I motioned everyone to begin and I tried myself few designs and thought to complete all of them. Few came to me for suggestions while few came to me completely blank after strucking at a part

After around two and half hours later. We finally made our best designs and let me tell you all. This all are the best then the previous ones. Smiling happily and gratefully.

"Come on guyss, all the designs are fantastic. Mind telling you all these are fab then the previous ones." I told them happily and all of them looked happy too.

"Yes mam, helping eachother and gathering eachother's idea. We completed the designs and all of them are looking great" a employee told.

"Yeah mam, I think those Ramon's won't able to reject our designs this time" another employee told and all of their faces looking relieved and happy. I gushed happily at them and talked something for a while.

Suddenly, a employee throwed a crayon at another and it followed by the other person and like this we don't know how but ended up playing and throwing the crayons and papers.

There was a yell after a while making everyone of us rooted at our places.

"What the hell is happening here?!"

We all stopped whatever we were doing and just sat there like a statue. I looked front to see siddu I mean Mr. Siddharth Nigam. I gaped at him like a fish with mouth slightly open and stood up immediately and even all our employees too followed me.

I saw Mr. Nigam along with his PA Karan standing their. Karan looked worried and siddu looked so angry. 

"Mind telling me what all are you doing in the office at office hours?" He said eyeing all of us angrily with a cold tone. Everyone shuddered a little hearing his cold voice without any emotion in it. I frowned too.

Why is he speaking to me like that?

Remember? You told him to behave professionally and he is doing the same..!

My brain mocked me. I shook my head knowing what my statement did and he is following the exact same and sadly I can't do anything.

"What Ms. Kaur?" He asked with a cold tone. I looked in his eyes and they are so cold without any emotions in it.

The emotions of warmth and homely, which I saw in the morning are nowhere to be found.

How does he manage to change from my man full of emotions to a cold heartless businessman is beyond my imagination.

I sighed knowing I need to explain what were we all doing.

"Sir, ac.. actually"

Why the hell am I shuttering so much now!
I took a deep breath. "Sir, wo actually we all were working on few designs and ended up like this" I said looking down. Idk but I can't able to make any eye contacts with him when his eyes are so neutral and cold.

"And the designs you all are working by sitting on the floor ditching the chairs and cabins which the company provided are completed?!" He asked looking at everyone of us.
" Ms. Kaur when I am talking with someone they need to make eye contact with me" he ordered suddenly and I jumped a little on my place
"Sorry sir" I told him looking in to his eyes.

He nodded a little and glared at everyone.
"Next time if any of this repeat I won't even think for a second before firing all of you, I hate when someone cross their discipline as it is all of  yours first time I am sparing for now." He glared at everyone and looked at me for more than minute.

"Sorry sir" we all again said at the same time.  He nodded.
"Meet you in the conference hall Ms. Kaur" he said a little softly his eyes sparkling with a mischief and tease.

Oh, we surely meeting before the conference meeting Mr. Nigam.

Just wait and watch.

I smirked evilly.

That's it for today..
My lovelies,
May all of you stay happy
Love you all!

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