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Avneet's pov

It's truly surprising that how soon everything got settled and finally my heart is at peace knowing that there won't be any problems any more. I can smile and be happy.

Our marriage is fixed. Dada and didu are so happy that they immediately fixed the date of the marriage as soon as possible which is next month exactly 30 days a part and all the preparations and decorations are going on in full swing. I couldn't stop the excitement and also nervousness that kept spreading into my veins.

A part in my heart missed my parents especially maa. I am her only daughter after Rithu di died but she couldn't attend my wedding and also I miss dad too. No matter how much I keep on telling myself that I should hate him. It's not the same. I can never hate him it's just all a facade that I keep to let myself be strong. No child can hate their own father. My case is the same too. I want them here but I don't want to see them nor invite them. I know dad would surely comment something bad about me and I don't want to upset siddu.

"Where are we going siddu?"

I asked siddu since today morning after breakfast he told me get ready and now here we are going to god no no siddu knows where...

"You will know soon" he replied the same dialogue which he was saying from the past ten minutes irritated I stayed mum deciding it to be the better idea. We reached airport soon. Where are we going?? I looked at him unsurely and he without saying just held my hand and started going towards the private jet area and hopped inside the plane soon the plane took off and I sat there looking out not knowing what to do.

After around thirty to forty minutes later an announcement of landing took I heard it attentively so that the captain may announce the place where we are landing but to my utter disappointment he didn't tell the place. I sighed in disappointment and siddu chuckled beside me slowly. I ignored him.

"Avi" he called me softly.

"What?" I asked him irritated. Firstly, he didn't tell me where we are going and then secondly he enjoys my discomfort and irritation and now calling me sweetly like I am gonna melt by he calling me like that. I rolled my eyes.

" you need to tie these." He told me by holding a blind flood in his hands.

Are you kidding me???

"No way" I told him angrily.

"Do you trust me?" He asked me softly

"Is that even a question. I trust you more than myself." I told him irritatingly. He smiled and then blind flooded me. I sighed out loudly trying to be patient and let him take me where ever he want cuz I know he wouldn't ever hurt me ever.

We descended down the plane and siddu made me sit inside a car I think and started driving.

After sometime the car stopped and siddu came out of the car before he came towards my side and helped me to step out of the car. We walked for sometime before he stopped and I too stopped walking. He came behind me and removed the blind flood. I opened my eyes getting adjusted to the light and then blinked a few times and then looked around to see where we are.

My breath hitched realising where we are and I looked at siddu shocked where as he just kept staring at me not speaking anything. I was about to ask him why did he bring me here but before that a voice interrupted our staring.

"Avneet" knowing very well who's voice is that I turned around to see maa standing there at the entrance of the house having tears in her eyes.

After that day I never met them or even talked to maa in phones. I made myself so distant with her when she used to call me I didn't pick her phone and after some time she stopped calling and I thought it as the best idea and shut her and dad off completely. But now today seeing her like that unknowingly tears pooled in my eyes too....

I slowly approached her along with siddu walking beside me not speaking anything. I stood infront of her and suddenly she hugged me and started crying. My tears too betrayed and started flowing down. I hugged her back tightly and cried harder.

How much I have missed her, missed this.

A small and a little emotional one.
A reunion finally!!!
See y'all.....

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