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Siddharth's pov

She is driving while I am looking out trying to see or to know where we are actually going. This route isn't of our office nor anything near our mansion.

After about forty minutes of ride later she stopped the car infront of a one-storeyed building. I looked at her and raised an eye brow.

"Get down" she said quietly and I got down. We both went to the door but it is locked. I looked towards her and she took out a key from her pocket and opened the door. She signalled me to go inside first and I went and she came after me and closed the doors and switched on the lights of the room. The room immediately light up and it has all the photoframes of a middle aged woman with two boys.

My eyes widen immediately recognising who she is. Maa. I looked at avi and she smiled.

"This was the place where you,maa and dada lived before she leaving the world and you both shifting to another house. This place was special for you,siddu. Before your accident you used to come and visit this place once in a week and used to tell everything going on in your life to maa. You would tell me always that whenever you come and tell all your problems and worries to her,here they all would be solved and you knew we both became close and confessed our feelings through our hearts also only here. It's been long after your accident you didn't get any chance to come here but I would come here once a week to clean this place and talk to maa, because talking to her makes me relax and gives me a hope too that her son,you would come back to me."
She said softly and smiled widely staring at me.

While, my respect and feelings for her only intensified hundred folds towards her. Today where all the girls feel like being in a joint family and feels like being with their mother-in-law is not comfortable here this girl is addressing my mother as her own mother without even meeting her for once and also even kept coming here once in a week just like me when I wasn't there with her.

"You talked so much about her that now I know everything about your mother more than you" she said smirking lightly.

I looked around and started walking towards the wall where all the portraits of our mother along with me and dada are there and started staring at them atleast trying to remember anything or memorize something but I couldn't.

Sometimes I feel so disturbed and depressed that I can't even remember anything from my past. Childhood memories weren't much of remembering and I don't want to remember too knowing how much I and dada suffered along with maa after Papa's death but I atleast has to have a memory of all our hardships because it gives you satisfaction and happiness knowing all your hardwork and all the sacrifices which I made are paid off.

A hand is placed on my shoulder, knowing very well whose hand is that I just stood their just staring at the pics and even knowing my silence avi didn't say anything and just stood by me,beside me. It's like she is silently promising me that she will always will be my side same like this forever and infinity. I just want this moment to freeze like this.

I removed her hold on my shoulder and hugged her through side and kept seeing all the pictures. Each picture is telling me a different story. Few pictures were a happy ones with all three of us while few told me sad stories since mom isn't in it. There's a picture having all of us. We four, dada and di along with me and avi. I think it's before the accident. I stilled for a second staring at that picture.

In that pic di was pregnant around five months and dada was looking at the camera and avi whose one hand was holding mine and other was resting on my chest close to my heart. She is staring at dada and di while I am gazing at her. My eyes are filled with love for her. I can easily say that by looking at the picture. We all were looking so happy and complete.

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