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Flashback continues..

Is my siddu suffering because of me...?????  Am I reason behind his this accident. I know I shouldn't think like this but i can't underestimate Rahul. He's a monster.  He's devil in the name of a human..

While thinking all this I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and met the least one I thought I will meet....

My biological father...

I chuckled without any humour in it.  There stood the person behind the existence of my life along with his wife.  Mom looks shocked to see me cuz its been a year since I last contacted her and even her husband who supposed to be my father looked shocked. 

"Avneet" my mother whispered looking shocked and still trying to digest the fact that I am standing in front of them and crying.

I don't know should I be happy that i met them after a year or two or should I be sad that the reason behind me suffering all this is them... anger rose through my veins that I couldn't control myself anymore and it started coming in the form of rage. I glared at him who supposed to be my father and stood up.

"What you guys are doing here..?!"I asked mom cuz I know the man before me won't let me talk to him and he won't talk to me. 

"We came for a business meeting and saw you here coming out crying outside from a hospital and we followed you till here... " mom said wiping her tears. Its looks like they heard me but that's the least of my concern now. Ofcourse! It has to be a freaking business meeting...

I chuckled painfully,shaking my head.

"Yeah! It has to be a business meeting,  business party or business that or business this.... I can't believe once I was a part of this family. " I said glaring at them...

"You were never a part of this family and watch your tone while talking " he said no glaring at me..

I am no more afraid of him and I no more need him in my life. The fucking irony of my so called life is when I need him as a father to love,protect and take care of me, when i need him as my hero, when I need him as my knight in shining amour,  he wasn't there but when I don't need him. He stood in front of me with all his glory still showing hate on me in his eyes.. and he need to know them I don't need him, them in my life anymore. Cuz my siddu taught me how to live my own. He taught me how to be myself.  He taught me how to stand up alone without any help. He taught me how to be a rebel and also a sweetheart at the same  time.

"I am not at all sorry Mr. Nandra cuz I know how to talk and what to talk and also to whom I am talking now." I said to him glaring more than him and folding my hands on my chest and chanting siddu name continuously to give me strength. He's my biggest fear and I need to overcome this and him. Soonly or lately I thought of meeting him but I never knew I will meet him when siddu is in hospital...

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