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Double update!

"who are you?" That cold voice ran a shiver down my spine and I immediately turned around and stood up and tried to keep my emotions in check looking at the man infront of me. My siddu, how much I missed you, how much I earned for you, for your touch for your voice , for your eyes which speak volumes.

"Who are you?" That question brought me back to my senses and looked at him. He is standing infront of me holding abhi's hand in his one hand. I immediately smiled it's not been more than a day he woke up but already that munchkin wrapped him around his finger. He is still looking at me confused while I was smiling at him. He may be thinking of me as a creep. Cut the crap avi why are you so nervous he is just your siddu...

Presently Not mine and not siddu     yet! My subconscious mind added. I rolled my eyes and looked at him and tried to introduce myself but was cut off by..

" Oh.. sid. Meet my sister Avneet and avu he is sid. I told you about him na?" Didu said coming behind him and blinked her eyes telling me to go on. I nodded and went towards him and smiling lightly. "Yeah di! Hello Siddharth di actually told me about you. I am Avneet"

I reached out my head for a hand shake thinking that he may be shake hand with me but looks like God isn't on my side well when was he on my side though..! He just saw my hand and looked at me briefly and nodded his head.

Ok! That's rude. What's wrong with this guy? Did he just ignore my hand? Why?

"Bhabhi I think abhi is sleepy I will take him to my room" he informed didu and tried to walk past me. Wait! Did he just walking past me and didn't make any conversation with me? Why is he behaving like this. But..

" Wait, this isn't his sleeping time usually he sleeps after having lunch as of now it's only 12 so I think he is hungry. " I informed him knowing very well about my munchkin. Well  take that boy you just thought to ignore and move past me that's impossible.

He turned and looked at me from top to bottom that made me self-conscious. Why is he doing that.? "Ok then let's ask him only whether he is hungry or sleepy?"  He told me coldy and looked at abhi.

One thing that is bugging me is that he isn't my siddu now. He isn't the caring one who always shows his caring and childish side which is only reserved for me. His this cold tone and rude behaviour is making me feel that I am really a stranger to him where as I am the girl whom he loved more than himself once...

All my thoughts are interrupted when this little munchkin said "I am sleepy" and all I felt was betrayed and hurt.  This guy met that boy only for one day and already he is listening to everything he told. I looked at him shocked while siddu was smirking in victory. Right now all I want to do is wipe that stupid smirk away from his stupid handsome face.

Stupid handsome face?! Where did that come from avu..!?

Oh god!  because of this obnoxious handsome specimen standing infront of me in all his glory I think I am loosing my mind. Plss someone bring me a new mind cuz this one already lost it..!

"I can't believe it. You met him only yesterday I am with you for more than a year abhi.. you can't do this to me..." I whined like a baby looking at this big baby who is holding a small baby in his arms. How I wish in the future he holds our baby..

Our baby? Is it possible avu..? Are you becoming mad?.

Pls I think I should replace my mind.. I shook my head and he without looking at me turned around and started walking with abhi still in his arms and that little boy has the audacity to give me a flying kiss though I have an urge to laugh at his antics remembering I am mad at him I looked away and pouted.

Since I looked away I saw dada and didu looking at everything that happened now with amusement. I looked at them with a smile.

" Why were you guys still standing there and looking amused?" I asked both of them..

They both looked at eachother and smiled widely. "Avu, he didn't talk to us just only if there is anything important and only with abhi now that he came here looking at you and him fighting I think he will come back his normal self only because of you." Dada said happily and didu nodded agreeing to whatever dada told while I just stood there amazed. He didn't talk to them but he was arguing with me a while ago made my heart ease. Yes, he was rude I agree and he was cold too...

But, if by bearing all that I will get my old siddu back then I am more than ready to help him heal cuz when I was suffering he became my remedy and made  me love myself and him again and I think now it's myself to make him love and make him fall for me again...

Now I need to be his remedy which I am more than sure that I can after all who can resist the hot and cute Avneet Kaur. It's not possible for even the great devil incarnate of handsome man Mr. Siddharth Nigam also..?!

Siddu, here I come and be ready to face me...

Thought that many sad chappy so why not some fun?!
Loved their nok-joke..?
There's still more to come.
Stay tuned 😉

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