The Moon And The Sun

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I have to admit that I have never seen a man more beautiful then Aidan.

Fluff- Aidan
Female reader, third person

Have you ever heard that opposites attract. Coming from me, I have to agree.

You'll meet someone who you have nothing in common with but yet you find yourself falling completely in love.

I can't describe the feeling but I'll have to give you an example

That would be y/n and Aidan Gallagher.

A night owl and an early riser, a sweet tooth and savoury tooth (the only acception being coke), a dancer and a singer and an English and science lover compared to someone who wouldn't even need a calculator for maths.

But yet they find each other to be the most beautiful person they have ever laid their eyes on.

To set the mood you'll have to imagine the two laying in the middle of a field of sunflowers. The only reason being Aidan had dragged her there to see his favourite flowers and it being his favourite time of year too as the only thing he could find himself looking at was her.

The light seemed to be hitting her at just the right angle, creating a golden hue around her figure. She looked magical to say the least. He believed she was an angel, his angel as he was proud to say.
There is lots to say about what aidan believed y/n was. Maybe she was a goddess or someone so powerful that he had been completely bewitched by her. She was in his eyes, magical.

He stared, being completely mesmerised as she sunk her teeth into her favourite candy's. She never understood why Aidan had never found her disgusting for how much sugar she put in her body. All her life she had been told to fit into being a lady, with unrealistic body standards and actions that that made her seem like she had a stick up her ass. She seemed to be the way she was as a rebellious act but she was only this way because she had finally become comfortable in her own skin. Aidan had made sure she loved herself for who she was as he loved her for that exact reason.

Completely engulfed in thought he was pleasantly surprised to feel her cold hand rest upon his warm, flushed cheeks. He hadn't realised she had called for him, pointing in the distance as the sun was about to set.

As it grew darker so much life had sprung from y/n as she has ushered him to dance with her. Knowing Aidan he had no dancing bone in his body but yet she found him to be the only suitor she had ever wanted to dance with. As she noticed Aidan's energy wearing thin, she put on a slower song.(you pick) As they swayed to the music he whispered sweet nothings into her ear and by the end of the night all they could say was how much they loved each other.

As they woke up to the sunlight shining into their shared bedroom not even remembering getting home she snuggled closer. Y/n not letting Aidan get up, protesting for him to stay in bed for the afternoon. With one last sigh he agreed. He would have never admitted that there was no place he'd rather be than right here with her.

That's my first chapter done
I hope it wasn't all over the place, and that my point had come across well enough.
Anyways... I hope you enjoyed it, I wanted to switch it up and make it third person so hopefully the story made sense.

Have a good day:)

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