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Third person pov

Y/n and Aidan have been together for two years now. When it's one of their birthday's they can't help but feel the need to spoil the other.

Today it's Aidan birthday. It's seems like Y/ns more excited for Aidan. Immediately starting it with breakfast in bed.

Y/n pov

While Aidans fast asleep I've been keeping myself busy. Cooking up a storm of Aidans favourites. I decided not to wake him, besides we stayed up until midnight so I could wish him happy birthday anyway.

This is his 20th and I'm going to do anything and everything to make him feel as special as he is.

Aidans pov

I woke up to the sound of a bell. Confused and frankly quite startled, I opened my eyes to see y/n smiling widely at me. In hand a tray filled to the brim, including a small vase with freshly picked daisys in it.

After sitting up, she eagerly  placed the tray down on my lap.

My cheeks hurting as I smiled ear to ear at the loving gesture.

"Thanks honey."

"You're welcome my love. Happy birthday."

After stealing a kiss I dug in. Eating every last crumb, doing so quickly. I could sense her excitement for the day of plan's ahead.

I didn't know where we were going. I couldn't ask knowing she would fold at the slightest bit of pressure.

I just wanted to enjoy the day, wanting every single thing to be a surprise.

Y/n pov

The day went by as quickly as it could.

We started off at a café, then making our way to the local fair. Where we spent hours on rides and way to much money on rigged games. In the end Aidan managed to win me a teddy bear. Which we took a photo of in one of the booths.

But here we are now. In a lavender field watching the sunset. It was my favourite part.  In which I mean, it's time for gifts.

The funny thing is, I've had everything planed since June. The gifts already bought and wrapped. Aidan had to stop me from handing them over right away.

What can I say, I love him and try to spoil him as much as I possibly can.

I placed the wrapped box right in front of him. He opened it carefully, just to make sure the paper is left unharmed.

In the box he found a vinal, a polaroid camera, pictures of the both of us, matching rings and littered all over the box were the first flowers he got me.

"For the last two years I've been taking a picture of us after our dates. If you turn it over you'll find a quote with the date on it. The quote comes from something you've said. It could be something that I found funny, cute or wise. Or it could be something you said that I'll remember forever. I wanted to get you your own camera so when you feel like it, you can capture a moment that feels truly special to you. And as for the vinal that's the first song we ever danced to and I hope that someday it will be the first song we'll dance to as husband and wife."

Aidans pov

I looked at her astonished. Completely memorised thinking of the meaning behind the gift. I didn't think she remember all of this.

She managed to capture something so perfect into one box. All of our memories together is in one little box.

I wish it was that easy to express in words how much she means to me. There's no one I would rather be with.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Best birthday ever!

Does anyone feel so awkward when they have to right an opening and an ending. I feel like that's the hardest part. If my endings feel of then its probably because I have no idea how to end it. I didn't do much proof read so if there's errors I'll most likely fix them later.

I hope you enjoyed the read.

Aidan, welcome to your twentys. Enjoy yourself. Love you! ❤️

Have a great day!


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