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Fives pov

I watched as my family sat around the dining table. It must of been the first time in year's we've all been in the same room together.

It took a lot for us to agree apon this. Mostly because everyone was still angry at Allison for getting us stuck in the timeline.

Yet Y/n managed to show them Allison's side of the story. Convincing the others to finally tolerate her decision.

It took a lot out of Luther. I don't blame him, he lost his wife. Reginald decided to keep Y/n with us. Which I doubt was a decision that came from the heart. I can't imagine what it must of felt like to lose Sloane.

But. Here we are now. We found our Grace. She doesn't remember being our mother but her duty's are the same. She was looking for a job and we were thankfully available. Well that's what she thinks anyway. She just doesn't know she means something to us.

Hearing the others laugh to themselves was an unusual sound now. It's been such a long time, I missed this. The last time I remember a moment like this was when we were kids. Without dad being there of course.

I still remember the smell of the donut shop.

Pushed back into the present moment I picked up my glass. But before I could take another swig of my drink I saw something headed towards the house.

It was fire. The same thing that we saw when Victor ended the word for the first time.

Panicked, I went to grab Y/n's arm but my hand just fazed right through her. I saw them look toward the window, all of them getting up in sync.

They all looked afraid, desperately looking around to find safety. There was nowhere to go.

The fire finally reached them. All of them dissappearing.

I closed my eyes hoping I was being tricked. When I opened them I was surrounded by the horrers of the apocalypse.

Frantic, I ran. I tried to find them but there was nothing .


I focused on the sound.


That's Y/ns voice. I tried running towards her voice but it was all over the place. Ready to give up but one moment passed and I turned around.

There she was. I was horrified.

She was covered head to toe in burns. She was letting out petrified wails.

" Five!"

Her voice was broken.

"Five! Please help me."

I tried but my body wouldn't move. I just stood and watched as she whined.

Letting out a cry and I saw her body hit the ground, her eyes staring directly at me.

I fell to my knees, sobbing as I just stared at her.

I couldn't move. I couldn't even look away.


I struggled


Y/n pov


I screamed at him but he wouldn't wake up. His body felt stiff, he was paralysed with fear.


Finally he shot out of his sleep. Awake but dazed and confused. His body covered in sweat.

I knew if I asked him what he was dreaming about he would lie.

Talking about it would send him off the edge.

I was pulled forward, his hands gripping themselves tightly around my waist. He was breathing heavily, whispering thank you over and over again.

I brought my hands up to play with his hair. He slowly but surely calmed himself.

I lulled him back to sleep realizing this would have to be a conversation for another day.

I dont know if I'm done with this one. I just know if I keep writing g it will go on forever so I might make another chapter.

Question: Which of these have been your favourite?

Mine has definetly been stalker.

Anyways… I hope you enjoyed the read.

Have a great day!


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