Hide And Seek

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Third persons pov

Playing hide a seek should be fun, right.

However, Five prefers to change the rules. The game wouldn't be as enjoyable to play if they took away his axe.

Fives pov

I know she's around here somewhere, her blood trail was leading me towards her.

There was no explanation to why she was afraid. I saw another man put his hands on her, she should have seen this coming.

The jealousy and rage had brought me back to my old ways, the urge to kill prominent. I needed to make sure no man could touch her again.

Y/ns pov

I ran, stopping to hide in the academy's attic. We didn't normally bother to go up here, I was hoping by the time he found me he calmed down.

I never thought our relationship would turn out like this, for me to be afraid of him. I watched as blood tricked down my body, the exposed wounds showcasing his work.

My breath hitched as I heard his footsteps. The noise growing louder but stopping suddenly. Although he hadn't spotted me yet, he was right infront of me. I could hear his exasperated sighs.

His feet changed direction, thinking I was safe only to be dragged forward.

I tried screaming, trying to beg for mercy. My voice however barely coming out as a whisper.

Then there was silence, his smirk fading as fear took over.

I turned to face the mirror seeing his axe planted in my hand. No reconlecton of grabbing, the game changing in my favour.

My face turned into a smile, any my eyes dark. The desire to become the chaser increasing as I watched him sprint away.

Without hesitation I began counting, racking the axe across the floor.

"Three, two, one... here I come fivey."

Anyway... hope you enjoyed the read.

Have a great day

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