Beyond Me: Part 2

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Y/n pov

It could be worse, right?

There was no explanation as to why our initial meeting was so short. I hadn't even gotten the chance to speak to him, to see what his thoughts were on this union.

I am currently getting my wedding dress fitted, in a palace that is so unfamiliar. I just wish I was more informed on the technicalitys of my arrival.

I was to be married in two weeks and yet this was the first I was hearing of it.

Third person pov

The room was cold, awkward and almost dead. Y/n was standing on a podium surrounded by strangers, their unfamiliar hands roaming over her body.

If only she had brought pearl with her, she needed her comfort right about now.

She was staring at herself in the mirror, hoping for this to end.

Suddenly her ear caught the sound of someone's footsteps, they stopped just before arriving at the door.

A man dressed in the usual colors of the national guard abruptly stomped into the room. Shooing the handmaid's with anthority and mindfulness.

He bowed his head low as he looked at the princess.

"The Prince wishes to speak to you, your majesty"

She nodded her head, hiding her eagerness. This is exactly what she wanted.

Nickys pov

I walked into the room, signaling the guard to leave us.

I took in the surroundings, white fabric scattered neatly over chairs, sewing needles, a range of different corsets and veils. Yet, there was nothing else that caught my gaze quite like her.

"Hello, your majesty."

She spoke softly, her voice delicate and almost a whisper. I noticed her trying to keep her composer, her voice failing her.

"Hello princess."

"How may I help you, your majesty?"

I tried to answer but my mouth remained shut, drying up as my mind went blank.

For once in my life, I had nothing to say. My thoughts were betraying me, everything about her was truly intoxicating.

Her voice melodic, her eyes glowing as the light touched them perfectly, her skin oh so delicate.

I had to stop myself from reaching over to move a stray strand of hair away from her face, the opportunity had to be missed. I knew the scandel I'd create if I even so much as looked into her eyes but the temptation was greater than the punishment.

She noticed my silence, her lips parting to speak but hushing themselves as I stepped closer.

"I apologise for my earlier involvement in our silence princess, our union is to arrive soon and yet you have been kept in the dark. I'd like to change that, if you see fit."

She nodded her head

"Once you have finished in here meet me in the garden, a proper introduction is in order."

Before I could get a response, I abruptly left the room.

Y/n pov

I stood there in shock, remembering the eagerness in his tone. The invitation had suprised me, but I couldn't deny my excitement. The nerves twisting into a flutter of butterflies in my stomach.

My smile shifted as the handmaid's entered again, my solemn expression returning.

I felt myself sway side to side as they rushed to change me back into the clothes I had arrived in.

Anyways… hope you enjoyed that chapter.

My minds just been blocked for a while.

Have a great day :)

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