Coming Home

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Y/n has powers like poison ivy

Y/n pov

After 45 years of the apocalypse and having to deal with the handlers flirty comments towards five, we were finally going home.

Just a few nights ago we figured out the formula. Delores had her doudts, but then again she's a manniquin so what's the point in listening to her.

Time skip...

Five and I paced back and forth. We were in 1963 carrying out orders to make sure Kennedy was killed. As history goes.

Noticing five calm himself I watched as the blue portal grew

He grabbed my hand pulling me a side as the fire extinguisher barely missed me.

We walked into it, screaming as we felt our body's change. Dropping to the ground, my clothes suddenly feeling baggy and outdated.

"Is that just me or, do you see a little number five and eight."

I looked up to see klaus and the others. Confused to hear the world little, I turned to see if five noticed too. I screamed as I saw teenage five staring back at me.

Getting up I ran into the academy trying to get to a mirror. As soon as looked at my reflection I panicked seeing a younger version of me. We should have listened to Delores!

Time skip...

Laying down I felt vines wrap around me. I was still cautious of my younger body. The thought however of Grace keeping my plants alive brought me comfort. I'll have to admit I have never felt stronger.

What I now needed to do was to hopefully find five in this maze of a house and figure out a way to stop the apocalypse.

Fives pov

Walking away from everyone I felt deflated. We waited 45 years for this moment. The people we risked our lives for didn't even seem that happy to see us.

I felt empty, all I wanted was for them to show me a glimmer of happiness. To see those dead body's smile at me, reassuring me that it's not my fault.

Maybe that would take away the guilt of leaving. Not only leaving but taking my wife with me. She helped me through it. All of the pain and suffering we went through however, I will never be able to forgive myself for.

I needed to find her. Shes the only person who would understand. I saw the panicked look on her face.

I would help calm her, getting Delores would do the trick.

Maybe then we can figure out how to stop the apocalypse.

Anyways... hope you enjoyed the read.

Have a great day

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