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Five pov

Y/ns been sick lately, throwing up mostly. I practically begged her to go the hospital but she was stubborn, not even entertaining the idea.

I was currently laying in bed, y/n sound asleep next to me.

She groaned, complaining about the sunlight hitting her eyes. It didn't last long. She suddenly jolted up running to our connected bathroom and emptying her stomach. This cycle had repeated itself these past couple of days. I had enough. She had to do something soon.

Y/ns pov

I finally finished, getting up from the bathroom floor to brush my teeth and get in the shower. As I undressed I noticed five staring, leaning against the door frame barely awake.

Normally he would be staring behind a look of love.

This look however was different. He was not impressed, I know he wanted me to go see somebody about this but I had to deny his requests.

He was worried, I get it.

I just don't think it's serious.

There was the possibility of pregnancy. I wasn't nervous about it, we've been together for five decades and talked about kids before. Now that the time line was safer there was no better moment.

I just didn't want to tell him, there's no use in getting his hopes up. I'll keep it to myself until I'm able to get a test.

Third persons pov

After getting ready y/n kissed five goodbye. She told him she was going to the pharmacy to get something to help her feel better. She knew this excuse would put his mind at ease.

Grabbing a test with a few other medications she made her way back to the academy, driving slowly to avoid suspicion.

Y/n pov

I wasted no time opening and using the test. I wasn't usually patient but some part of me wanted to stay away from the results for as long as possible.

The timer beeped, grabbing the test I slowly turned it over.

It was positive!

I know I said I wasn't worried but that's just something you say to make yourself feel better. I just wasn't expecting to be pregnant.

Five pov

Y/n was taking a very long time. There was only so many books you could read before getting bored. I needed her attention.

I headed to the bathroom, it was the last place I saw her go into.

I knocked, silence.

"Y/n, my love. Can you open the door?"

"Five? I'm going to open this door and tell you something. I just need you to not freak out please."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, just please promise me."

"I promise"

Third persons pov

The door opened. The pair looked at each other, five confused and worried by the look on her face.

She lifted her hand, making sure the pregnancy test could be viewed clearly.

He looked at her wide eyed, it took him a few moments the register what she was showing him. He didn't say a word, instead bringing her into a hug.

She was relieved. Feeling his smile against the nape of her neck. She wondered why she was ever worried, knowing who she was really married too.

They were happy they were finally able to become parents, no doudt they would be amazing at it.

Honestly I thought this was a bit anti-climactic. There's only so much you can do to reveal pregnancy's. Besides I write most of my chapters at midnight so I'm tired and don't have any ideas. Requests would always be helpful.

Anyway…hope you enjoyed it.

Have a great day

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