Will You Do Me The Honour

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Y/ns povs

I was nervous, there was something going on with Aidan and I couldn't figure it out.

We had been together for 2 years now and I never questioned Aidans faithfulness once. I had been cheated on before but somehow never doudted him.

So the question was nagging at me. What was up with him?

Lately he would be more secretive, always acting like he needed to be somewhere. As soon as I'd enter the room, he had something to hide. We weren't living together, we weren't even sleeping together but we both knew how serious our relationship was.

We normally told each other everything, so my worry for him was increasing rapidly.

Two days later...

Earlier in the morning I received a text from Aidan with the words

'Hey, could you meet me at my apartment? We need to talk.'

To say I was feeling sick was an understatement, what did he want to talk about. The truth is, someone telling you they want to talk is never a good sign. Was he going to end it?

I banished the thoughts from my head as I finished getting ready.

I kissed my cat goodbye and got in my car, making my way to his apartment.

Aidans pov

I was nervous to say the least, the situation could go both ways.

I could tell she noticed my franticness, I hated lieing to her but proposing wouldn't have been a surprise if I didn't.

The set up was done perfectly, everything had to be down to the final detail.

Third persons pov

She knocked on his door, waiting patiently for his response.

"The doors open!" He yelled.

His tone worrying her as she slowly entered the hallway.

As she got to the living room, she noticed him smiling, her mood calming. She took her final steps toward him, her expression changing to shock.

Y/n pov

He was proposing, oh my god. He didn't even have to say a single word for me to begin tearing up.

I stumbled towards Aidan. Immediately pulling him into a hug. Letting go, allowing him to fall on one knee.

I heard him say the word I had always wanted to hear from him.

"Y/n will you do me the honour of being my wife? Giving me the gift of spending the rest of my life with you?"

I nodded, unable to form word as happy tears trickled down my cheeks. Immediately wiping them off my face as he brought me into a kiss.

Slipping the ring onto my finger I had a hard time believing how lucky I was.

I was going to spend the rest of my life with the man of my dreams. I couldn't be happier.

Anyway... I hope you enjoyed it, dont let the negative thought bring you down. Remember tough times never last, only tough people last.

Have a great day

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