Preference: Your Favourite Things About Each Other

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Your favourite things about him

-His energy, you always loved how he could bring so much energy into a room. Even when tired.

-His dedication and passion.

- When he sits with his leg crossed over the other. ( I can't explain how it makes me feel. If you know, you know.)

-His nose. (Seriously my favourite feature of his, is his nose. I love it so much.)

-His patience and empathy. Especially when you've had a hard day.

His favourite things about you

- Your kindness and patience. Even when someone is trying to test you.

- Your attitude. He pretends to be annoyed but deep down he loves it.

- Your lips. You always catch him staring at them.

- Your laugh. It's a little weird but he knows if he hears it, the day will be good.

- Your eyes. Especially when the sun is shining on them.


Your favourite things about him

- His loyalty. He spent 45 years trying to get back to him family just to save them.

- His smirk.

- His intelligence. Theres nothing that's intises you more than an intelligent man.

- His cockyness. You'll have to admit he's earned it.

- His hidden soft spot for his family.

His favourite things about you

- Your empathy. You always knew when he needed comfort.

- The fact that you never thought he was crazy and never doudted him.

- Again your attitude.

- Your hair. It always smells amazing and looks perfect even when you think it's a mess.

- Your optimism. If something goes wrong you always try to find another way. He needed this the most in the apocalypse.

Anyway... hope you enjoyed

Have a great day

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