Like A House On Fire

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Fives pov

I sat on a bench across the hallway, requoting the words of the old man upstairs. Dear old dad.

We had just gotten back from a mission, a not so good ending to say the least.

Two down and one injured, Ben and Cassandra had been fatal. Y/n had been shot, she was healing but there was something more, something fatal.

Her vitals have been spiking for over an hour now, moms tried her best to keep her stable but she's hot to the touch.

Once more she spiked, this time something extraordinary happened.

Third persons pov

Y/n burst into flames, bringing the drip to a boil, the liquid IV evaporating instantly

She screamed as the alarm went off, Reginald rushing the other members to evacuate the academy. Only one stayed.

Y/ns pov

I ripped my body from the stretcher, the metal burning so hot I felt my skin sizzle and burn.

I screamed loudly, falling to my knees hoping Reginald had enough heart in him to help me. I finally opened my eyes, the walls ignited and the ceiling on its way to a near collapse.

My eyes rushed to the door, the hope being that someone was generous to help me.

Fives pov

"Y/n" I whispered, looking for any indication that she was somehow conscious.

She looked directly at me, her mouth opening slightly. She went to speak but only sobbs escaped.

"I'm going to help you, but I can only do so much. I can talk you though it but you'll have to do the rest" I shouted at her

She nodded quickly, her eyes opening wide as a ceiling tile falls to the ground right in front of her.

Y/ns pov

"Close your eyes" he said

I did so, pulling myself away from the chaos around me

"Imagine yourself in a flurry of water, anything!"

"A lake with a waterfall?" I asked

"Yes! You're body's cool, the water remains shallow. Slowly it starts to rain, to hide from the rain you submerge yourself in water. You pull your legs together, swimming around like a mermaid. Do you remember when we were kids and during swimming practice I used to play mermaids with you when you were upset? "

I smile at the memory, nodding my head.

"Good" he said proudly, that being one of the few good memories of our childhood. The dangerous five Hargreeves secretly had a soft spot

"You see, you're doing it" I hear the glee in his voice

I open my eyes slowly, my body no longer emerged in flames. I smile at five, quietly thanking him. The moment suddenly being ruined as the ceiling starts to break off bit by bit.

Fives pov

She looks at me worriedly, her look summoning me to go. Instead I blink towards her, stealing a glance outside the window. Looking for a positioned escape before grabbing her swiftly and blinking us out of the academy.

There waited the rest of the members, including the three guardians. I glared at Reginald and pogo, dissatisfied at their non existant attempt to help her.

I placed her down on the ground, both of my hands on her arms as I looked at her directly.

"You're safe now."

I hope you enjoyed the read

Have a great day!

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