Getting To Know You Again

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I decide why not make something more light hearted after the last chapter.

Also I find myself enjoying writing as just something that happens in the readers thoughts because you'll be amazed at how much time we actually spend in our head.


Y/ns pov

There's more to life than belonging to somebody.

Along the way you get to know yourself, your likes and dislikes along with strengths and weaknesses.

Don't take that statement to seriously as somedays I found myself missing somebody I used to know.

Friends since childhood Aidan and I were close.

We did everything together, Aidan refusing to do nrdd without me there. My parent taking me out of public school to start online. This way it was easier for us to be beside one another. Our parents weirdly allowing us to grow closer, never judging us.

In a way I'm surprised we got things done. Constantly talking about our future and laughing until we were almost about to puke.

One thing I'll never lie about was how proud I am of him, he always seemed to have everything planned, he included me every step of the way.

We told each other everything. Always there when one of us needed the other. Through break ups and mean girls.

We were two peas in a pod.


During the year we turned seventeen everything changed. I wish I could say there was a reason we grew apart. I think it would be easier.

Easier to say that I lost my best friend for some stupid reason instead of admitting we grew tired of one another.

That was six years ago.

I was right to wait for him, as pathetic as it sounds I never forgot about him. Always remembering the way he made me feel.


As I listen to him talk, beaming ear to ear I can't help but feel relieved to see my old friend.

It's amazing to see nothings changed and the sounds of his laughter can still take me back to those days that were simpliar.

However, I have a feeling things are going to feel much lighter from now on.

I think I still have those moment where I miss someone I used to be friend with. But I then remembers that im better without them, I think I only miss the good memory's and forget what kind of person they really were. Pretty sure all of can relate.

Anyway... I hope you enjoyed it, some days I like my writing and some days I don't but we learn.

Hope you enjoy your day

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